Garrison and Forney Clash for Regional Crown Tonight |
Longview Daily News |
Friday Daily News, December 7, 1951, Page 7 |

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HIGHEST-SCORING TEAM IN TEXAS - The Forney Jackrabbits, highest-scoring eleven in Texas football, will meet the Garrison Bulldogs at Lobo Stadium here Friday at 8 p.m. for the regional Class B championship. In eleven games this season the powerful Jackrabbits have piled up the staggering total of 537 points for an average of almost 49 points per contest. Two Forney players, Halfback J.C. Mitchell and Fullback Brooksy Roland, have accounted for 353 points between them. The Rabbits have won 11 straight games while Garrison has 10 wins. Both are undefeated and untied.
Members of the Forney squad shown above are, front row (left to right): Coach Weldon Strain, Jack Cook, Frank Carmichael, Robert Griffin, Brooksy Roland, Sonny Miller, Charles Osborne, David Yandell, Hank LaRowe, Frank Maykus, Tommy Blaylock, Zane Davis, Bobby Shipley and Coach Arch Fergerson (sic). Back row: James Stewart, Ysavel Medina, Luther Hutto, J.C. Mitchell, Robert Tucker, Jimmie Adams, Fritzie Vaughn, Jimmy Shipley, Everett Aslin, Earlan Evans, Pat Murray, Jack Bannister, Pat Evans, Donald Honeycutt, Thomas Tanner and Billy Kinard.