Forney Public School, 1903-1939 |
Forney Messenger |
Thursday, February 10, 1938 |
This building was considered one of the most stately and magnificent school buildings in this part of the state when it was completed in the spring of 1903. Located as it was far back on a beautiful lawn with the sky back of it to help it stand out in the picture, it certainly commanded attention.
Today this building is no more. Like all things in life, it has served its day and the material from which it was built is becoming part of the new high school plant now under construction on the same grounds that have attracted children during the past thirty-six years to the building in old Brooklyn occupied practically this same spot. At this first building which stood on land donated by Mrs. Hannah Self, was constructed the old union church, Masonic lodge, and community school that served the community for a gathering place for twelve years.
At this time, the building now occupied by the colored school children was constructed to serve for such purposes till 1903 when it gave way to the building pictured above. Now this building has gone the way demanded by progress. Instead of its becoming a residence or a colored school, it has been salvaged and its material will still suply the backbone of an instituion where the children will gather for many more years to be taught their three "R's."
On Sunday afternoon the community will again gather on this same acreage of ground to take part in the ceremonies connected with the laying of the corner stone in the new high school plant being constructed today. This ceremony will take place only a few yards south from where the Old McKellar store was located in 1870 when the first permanent settlers attached themselves on the present Forney soil.