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FHS Newsletter
FHS Newspaper
October 1950


This is the beginning of a new six weeks. I hope that everyone will try a little more and work a little harder this second six weeks. We are all grateful to Mrs. Stolly for passing us in English. She took our poor foundation in this subject into consideration when she made out her report cards.

The student body is grateful to the entire faculty for the way they have helped us with our many problems during the past six weeks. If a stranger should come into Forney High this week, he would find it rather hard to believe that the student body and faculty had only known each other for six weeks.

During the past weeks we have elected a very fine Student Council. The students may well be proud of them.

We may also be proud of our football squad. They've won six straight (no losses of course) and this isn't a prediction or anything but I know we can win these other four. We'll be even prouder of them after they win the last two, Bi-District and Regional.

To all of you -- students, faculty, and townspeople - who have made this six weeks success, we thank you!

Billy Roy Kinard


Time Schedule for Halloween

Carnival ---- 6 P.M.
Closes ---- 9 P.M.
Carnation ---- 9:30 P.M.
Mid-Night Show ---- 11:15 P.M.


One F.H.S. boy to another: "Are you marrying her for honorable or dishonorable reasons?"

Other boy: "You mean I have a choice?"


Editor in Chief ....................... Fern Hendley
Asst. Editor ........................... Bill Kinard
Society Ed ............................. Nancy Riter
Art Ed .................................. Sam Tanner
Sports Ed ............................... Charles O.
Gossip Columnist ........................ Bernice B.
Business Mgr .......................... Sue Johnston
Sen. Rep .............................. Frank Maykus
Jr. Rep ............................... Edna Earl S.
Soph. Rep ............................. Bettye Allen
Fr. Rep ............................... Myra Shipley
Sec. to Ed ............................ Josephine M.
Sponsor ............................... Miss Barkley


"Little Shanty of the War Dept."

Do not read except, with eyes.

Not too official business.

Dear P.F.C. Maykus:

I'm writing you in regard to your disastrous defeat in the battle of "Bloody Bone Hill." Where you and 1,000,000 men were nearly wiped out by "Red Devil Dan" and 100 gun totin' Texas boys. I would like to inform you, Sir, that there is one more word in the Dictionary besides retreat! I'm putting you in charge of 13 of my sorest men. Your duty is to keep the grounds of the cmap clean. By the way salute before and after reading this letter.

Your Supreme Commander,

Corporal Moonshine Miller

P.S. One more mistake like the last one and you will be no longer.


Beat Sanger!!!


"Gossip, Gossip, Gossip"

Joyce Singleton and Jimmy Adams were seen at the sock-hop together Friday night. They suer make a cute couple.

Who did Mr. Pinson dance the most with at the sock-hop Friday night??? My spies tell me it was Miss Davenport...

Frankie Maykus and Peggy McCallum sure can dance good together, can't they?

Did you know that Jo Ann Allen has a secret heart throb???? His name is Reggie and he is from Myrtle Springs!!!

Is Virginia Rhodes carrying the torch for Sonny Miller??? Let's find out more about this......

We hear that Yvonne Lee surely would like to go with Truman Powell.... Why not do something about the situation, Truman???

We hear Lillian Hutto has been going with Billy Pike// This seems to be a true rumor.

Seems as though we made a mistake about Bettye Allen liking William Lee. Her heart is set on some one new now!!

Is Nancy Riter really Glenn Griffin's girl friend????? He said so himself...

Billy Pike sure is popular. We hear that Faye Murray was with him the other night... What about this Faye??

Who was this Ysavel Medina with Saturday night???? You're right... It was Doris Warren. This really must be love......

Jane Tanner sure is a lucky girl.... She has been going with none other than that cute sophomore B.J. Vineyard.

Fern Hendley and Edward Nichols surely can dance well together.... For more information about this watch them dance at the sock-hops.....

Where did Pat Evans go Friday night, Peggy McCallum???? Did Billy Roy Kinard have something to do with this?????

Donald Honeycutt and Helen Clark were together Friday night.... This is a lasting thing, isn't it??????

Why wasn't Marilyn Moore at the sock-hop Friday night???? Could this be because of Skip Humphries???????

Betty Patterson was with Jackie Banister over the week-end.... Hold on Jackie, you've got something special there........

Flash! Flash!
Barbara Ashabranner was in the mid-night show Saturday with Robert Griffin.

Say Mary Carey, is it true that Frankie Maykus took you home again Friday night after the sock-hop??????????????

Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! What high school history teach had a date with what high school Chemistry teacher Tuesday night Oct. 14??????????????? Was it Miss Davenport and Mr. Pinson? It surely was. Kids my spies had to work overtime Tuesday night to get this chunk of gossip so don't forget it ! ! ! It's worth remembering.

Who is Sam Tanner making eyes at????? Could it be a freshman girl who is a sister of B.J. Vineyard??????

A Freshman girl to Freddie Gorhan, "Come On To My House."

Jo Anne Marshburn to David Yandell, "You Belong To Me."

A certain girl to David Bannister, "I'll Hold You In My Heart (Till I Can Hold You In My Arms.)"

Sue Johnston had a swell birthday party Wednesday night......... I bet Marilyn Moore and Everett Aslin had a swell time after the party too!!!!!!!!

Say, Jackie Pippins couldn't you get that match Sonny Miller had at Sue's party??????? Were you trying to get the match on to accomplish something else?????? We wonder.........

Jane Tanner to B.J. Vineyard, "It Had To Be You."

It seems as though Myra Shipley had a pretty good time at Sue Johnston's birthday party...... Quote, "If Dickie Freeman had been there I would have had a better time." Unquote.

What freshman girl plays post-office?????
She was at Sue Johnston's birthday party.
She is a flag bearer.
She has blondish brown hair.
She has a cousin named Sarah.
She has the initials of D. (cut off... sorry)

Does Carolyn Stroud like Skip Humphrie??? Rumors are flying.............

What boy of F.H.S. is Dorothy Sudych's heart beating for????? Maybe we're wrong.... It may not be a F.H.S. boy! ! ! ! !

Does Edna Earl Smith work on both Friday and Saturday night in Dallas on the week-ends????? Wonder who her heart-throb is up there?????

Bernice Brooks to Charles Osborne, "Thirsty For Your Kisses."

Does Peggy Lewis have a secret heart-throb?? Maybe she doesn't like boys. No, this couldn't be true.

Marilyn Moore was with Sonny Miller after the sock-hop Friday night. She surely does get around! ! ! !

We not only heard that Yvonne Lee wanted to go with Truman Powell but she was with him Saturday night..........................

Why won't Sue Johnston tell us who's F.F.A. pin she is wearing?????? She must want this to stay a secret///

Fancy Pants

Everett Ray Aslin really looked nice at the sock hop in his blue trousers, white shirt, and chartruese sweater.

That plaid long sleeved shirt of Donald Ray's looks pretty sharp, too.

Mr. Fern Hendley (Edward Nichols) looked hep at the ballgame in his blue and white checked sport jacket and blue trousers.

Charles Osborne looked nice in his brown corderoy shirt the other day. Afterthought; he wore khaki pants with it.

Brooksy looked nice and loud in his red corderoy shirt. It's a birthday present we hear. What else did you get Brooksy???

That sure was a pretty yellow corderoy shirt that Sonny had on the other day.

David Bannister did you skin the leopard to make that pretty shirt you had on last week? The shirt really looked nice, but I'll bet the leopard looks funny, now.

A certain girl told me that Jimmy Adams looked awful cute at the sock-hop in his yellow nylon shirt and tan trousers.

Mr. Pinson had on a pretty tan pleated neck tie the other day.

Flash! Flash! We've found out that the "thing" around Mr. Sonntag's neck last week was. It was a diaper. Now isn't that sweet???????????????????????


Name..... Lenord Donohue.
Born & where.... Dallas, April 18.
Color of eyes.... Blue.
Color of hair.... Brown.
Height.... 6' 3"
Graduated from high school.... North Dallas
Graduated from college... S.M.U.
Favorite color.... Blue
Favorite song.... "Star Dust"
Favorite food.... Chocolate
Favorite sport.... Football
What you like most about F.H.S.? Beautiful girls.
Pet peeve.... Driving the basketball while I am trying to talk.

Name.... Thomas (Sam) Tanner.
Born & when.... Forney, March 23.
Color of eyes.... Blue.
Color of hair.... Brown.
Height.... 5' 9"
Favorite color.... Blue
Favorite song.... "Eyes of Texas"
Favorite food.... Fried chicken
Favorite sport.... Football
What you like most about F.H.S.???? Pretty girls.
Pet peeve.... People that vote for the party rather than voting for what they believe.

Events of the Week

Thursday: Slave Day
Thursday night: Pep-Rally and the Junior football game vs Terrell.
Friday: Forney vs Sanger football game

Girls Basketball

The first official girls basketball practice will be after school, Oct. 29. All girls interested in basketball please be there if possible.


Beat Sanger!!!

Come to the Pep-Rally............



The Board of Education, the superintendent, and the faculty of the Forney Public Schools invited you to visit your school during the week of March 1-7, meet your child's teacher, know your public school better--and we especially invite you to attend our special Public Schools Week program on Thursday, March 5, starting at 7:30 P.M. in the elementary school auditorium. An interesting program awaits you. County Superintendent J.W. Sellers will talk briefly about your public school.


Fountain Service

School Supplies

Drugs, Jewelry, Cosmetics

"It Is a Pleasure to Please"


Bill Ashabranner - Prop.


"For a Treat to Eat"

Shook's Cafe

Forney, Texas


For the Best Buys in Foods

go to

Jack Pippins Grocery and Market


"A Dandy Place to Shop for Variety"

Ashworth's 5¢ to $1.00


"Eat in Style"

at the City Cafe

Forney, Texas


"Bank with Pleasure"

At The

Forney State Bank


"For a Treat, Instead of a Treatment"

go to

Marie's Beauty Shop


"For the Best in Building Materials"

go to

Pitts Lumber Company



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