Endeavorers Entertained |
Unknown Newspaper |
About 1922 |
Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Riggs were at home to the members of the Christian Endeavor Society and their friends at a Colonial party last Thursday evening from 7:30 to 10:30.
Costumes of various hues and styles were worn, representative of the Colonial period, and George and Martha Washington were among the distinguished guests of the evening.
Numerous games of a patriotic nature furnished merriment for the jolly crowd, while an orchestra consisting of six pieces delighted the guests with musical selections. Those playing in the orchestra were Jacks Crawford and Melvin Moore, trombones; Amos Dietz, clarinet; Dick Moore, violin; Jack Criswell, saxophone; Rex Boone, drum, with Ruth Tune at the piano.
Delicious refreshments of apricot whip and angel food cake were served to 28 guests, each of whom received a tiny George Washington hatchet as a favor.
The out-of-town guests were Miss Flora Sowell of Trinity University, Waxahachie, Misses Miller and Wiseman of Alto, Texas.