The College Hobo |
Program |
April 29, 1930, 8 P.M. |
Forney High Seniors
"The College Hobo"
A Four-Act Comedy-Drama
Directed by Mrs. W.J. Holloway
High School Auditorium, April 29, 1930, 8 P.M.
Mr.Sims-a well meaning old farmer ............. Jack Pippens
Hobo(Rodney Rochester)-star football player..Stuart Campbell
Adolphus (Red)-a college freshman ............. Paschal Lowe
Prof.Crockett-Pres. of Blake University.. Griffin McCoulskey
Marvin Marshall-a ministerial student ........... J.W. Welch
Johnnie Johnson-Cousin Susie's hearts desire ..Woodrow Doigg
College Dudes ..............................................
....... James Robertson, Raymond Futrell, Kenneth Robertson
Sally Sims-Mr. Sim's daughter ................. Ruth Edwards
Patricia Rochester-Hobo's sister .......... Mary Lee Richman
Miss Weaver-Dining room supervisor ............ Dorothy Eudy
Cousin Susie Johnson-an old maid .............. Omagene Hill
Atractive co-eds:
Fritzy-Frances Reaves; Bess-Frances Criswell;
Eileen-Frances Griffin; Dot-Dorothy Eudy
From Grammar School
Pianist ............................ Edna Owens
ACT I-In dining room of Sim's home. Late in the afternoon.
ACT II-In private dining room of Blake University. In the morning.
ACT III-Same as Act II. A few moments later.
ACT IV-Prof. Crockett's office. A few weeks later.
Directed by Miss Thelma Clark
Little Miss Etha Forman, dancer
Edna Owens, pianist
will be presented between acts.
Your response to our call for support has been "Jes' Wonderful" and we, the Seniors and faculty thank each and every one of you.
Clem & Jim Barber Shop - Cigarettes, Cold Drinks
Campbell Bros. Motor Co. (Ford) Forney, Texas
The Forney Messenger "Boosting Forney"
W.C. McCord Co. - Home of Nellie Don Dresses
Newt Trail - Texaco Products
Pippins & Clarkson - General Merchandise
Solomon Store - General Merchandise
Sanitary Barber Shop - It Pays to Look Well, L.L. Lindsey, Phone 67
Farmers Nat'l Bank - Capital-$100,000, Total Resources Over $400,000, Since 1889
George's Lunch Room - A Good Place to Eat
Riter's Garage - Phone 106, Dependable Service, Reasonable Prices
O.K. Shoe Shop - When you get a good thing, remember where you got it. First Door Back of Solomon's
E.M. Dozier - Best wishes for Seniors
City Cafe - Eat here and feel at home.
Walter Adams The Rexall Store - Phone 53
Dozier Brothers - General Merchandise
Forney Insurance Agency - General Insurance
M.J. Dozier - Cash Grocery
W.E. Jones - Real Estate & Farm Loans
Gross Sanitary Market - Call 32 When You Want MEATS - We Deliver
Forney Ice & Water Co - Pure Water - Distilled Water
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. - Where Economy Rules
Edward Drug Co - See us for Graduation Gifts
Brannon's Cafe - The Home of Good Eats
Buell Lumber Company - Anything to build Everything
Forney State Bank - Make our bank your bank, J.C. Reagin-President, O.W. Reagin, V.P. & Cashier, George Anderson-Assistant Cashier
Pat's Sweet Shop - Service With a Smile
W.P. Thomas - Quality Groceries, Forney, Texas
Anderson-Clayton Bros - Home Furnishers, Forney, Texas
L.A. Norman - Variety Store, Forney, Texas
Grady L. Taylor, Cleaning and Pressing, Phone 227
Hill's Garage, Home of Red Chain Feed, J.M. Hill, Phone 169