Senior Report |
Unknown Forney Newspaper |
September 1922 |
The senior class of ’23 met Sept. 13 and selected class colors, flower and motto.
Colors: Green and White
Flower: White Carnation
Motto: “Ring the bells of the future with the ropes of the past.”
The class discussed the possibility of having a class poet, class musician, and class prophecy. Many interesting entertainments are being planned for the coming year and the seniors are looking forward to a wonderful and prosperous season.
We have five senior boys, Louis Chapman, Ben Brooks, R.C. Blake, Gordon Yates and J.F. Yates who play on the foot ball team and we are looking forward to a great foot ball season. The squad goes to Dallas Friday to play Bryan Hi, and they will need the support and pep of the Forney rooters. The yell leaders are very anxious that as many as possible to go the game and help the boys win their first game. If we lose this game it will dishearten the players and it may put us out of the race for the district championship. Come on Forney support the foot ball team and the senior class.