Board of Education
J.M. Davis - President (James M.)
J.C. Griffin - Secy-Treas. (James C.)
M. Spellman (Michael)
W.O. Pinson (W. Ollie)
C.W. Boone (Charles W.)
R.M. Linn (Richard M.)
P.W. Dozier (Paul W.)
Superintendent of Forney Schools - J. Nelson Andrews
Womack - Principal-Math
A. Jenkins - English-Latin
Bridges - History
Ford - Science-Domestic Art
McCain - Sixth-Science
Wray - Fifth
E. Jenkins - Fourth
Royal - Third
Peters - Second
Slaughter - First
Photo 1 | Photo 2
Jack Rabbit Staff
Louise Keith - Ed.-in-Chief
Phil Holloway - Business Manager
Bill Pinson - Ass't. Manager
Ben Brooks - Athletic Ed.
Catherine Yates - Society Ed.
Carnes Enas - Art Ed.
George Coates - Associate Art Ed.
Louis Irl Dietz - Ass't. Art Ed.
Louis Hatley - Ass't. Art Ed.
Linn Crawford - Class Ed.
Jack Criswell - Joke Ed.
Lloyd Adams - Associate Joke Ed.
Antoinette Reagin - Literary Ed.
Jack Crawford - Ass't. Literary Ed.
Louis Chapman - Junior Class Ed.
Jessie Ruth Drake - Sophomore Ed.
Mary Linda Porter - Freshman Ed.
Miss Jenkins - Facility Supervisor

Seniors |
Zada Antoinette Reagin
President of class of '22. Literary Editor of 22 JACK RABBIT. Member of High School Orchestra.
A living proof that "precious goods come in small packages." Sweet, wholesome and dainty.
"She never yet no villainyne said
In all her life unto no manner wight."
Phil Holloway |
Member of class of '22. Member of Debating Team '20. Member of Foot Ball squad '20, '21. Business Manager of '22 JACK RABBIT. President of Thrift Bank '21.
Phil is the fortunate possessor of good looks, a happy disposition, a magnetic personality and a frank, cheerful smile that invites the confidence and trust of all his associates. He works at what he undertakes early and late.
William Meredith Pinson |
Member of Foot Ball squad of '18, '19, (capt.) '20, '21. Member of Basket Ball Team '18, '19, '20, '21. Member of Base Ball '20, (capt.) '21, '22, Tennis '21. President of Literary Society '20. Class Reporter '21. President of Board of Directors of Thrift Bank '21. Member of Class of '22. Ass't. Manager of JACK RABBIT.
A splendid athlete, a loyal friend, an all-'round boy. We call him Bill 'cause we don't dare say Billy. Has been "teacher's pet" for eleven years and bids fair to bring honor to the school.
Mary Louise Keith |
Member of Class of '22. Secretary of class in '21. Winner of Essay contest in county and district Track Meets '21. Member of High School Orchestra. Editor-in-Chief of '22 JACK RABBIT.
A sweet, old-fashioned girl on a 1922 chassis. She combines all the virtues of our grandmothers with all the practical capability of modernity.
And she is fair, if that our sight be true,
And being fair, as such we cherish her.
Linn Crawford |
Secretary of class of '22. President of class in '21. Member of Girls' Basket Ball Team '20, '21, '22. Secretary of class in '19. Member of Girls' Track Team '19. Class Editor of '22 JACK RABBIT.
Linn suffered a severe blow with the grocery business called one of our star Foot Ball players from the path of learning. She recovered gradually and has been the mainstay of the class of '22. Pretty, practical and you've got to love her.
Richard Lloyd Adams |
Member of class of '22. Joke Editor of '22 JACK RABBIT.
The best-looking, ugly boy in school. The girls adore him. Miss Jenkins worships him and the boys like him. Clever and obliging as the day is long.
Anna Catherine Yates |
President of class in '20. Secretary Literary Society '20. Winner Senior Declamation county Track Team '21.Class Reporter '22. High School Reporter '22. Member of class of '22. Society Editor of '22 JACK RABBIT.
Bring on a dictionary of synonyms, for Catherine requires them all. She is lovable, true-hearted, witty, studies when she has to, an' everything. Words fail us - look her up on the popularity page.
Homer William Adams |
Member Foot Ball squad '18, '19, '20, (manager) '21. Member of Basket Ball Team '19, '20, (capt.) '21, '22. Member of Base Ball Team '20, '21, '22. Member of Track Team '19, '20, (manager) '21, '22. Member of class of '22.
'Member the way he crossed his eyes, made them touch-downs, how he parted his hair in the middle and vamped us all with his Jellybean airs? 'Member? How could we ever forget?
Mary Margaret Myers |
Member of class of '22. Member of Girls' Basket Ball Team '22.
Her name is Margaret -
It should have been Merry,
For she is so sprightly,
So winsome and cheery.
Dick Moore, Jr. |
Member of class of '22. Member of High School Orchestra. Vice-President of class of 1920.
He loves his violin, his jazz whistle, anybody's hardwood floors and - "Hello, Dick, where's Marguerite?"
Clem T. Pinson |
Member of class of '22. Member of the Foot Ball squad '18, '19, '20, '21. Member of the Basket Ball Team '18, '19, '20, '21. Member of the Base Ball Team '19, '20, '21, '22. Tennis '21.
Clem, better known as "Runt," is an all-'round athlete, a good friend and is well-liked by all who know him. The class roll would not be complete without Clem's name.
Marguerite Nichols |
Member of the class of '22. Member of Girls' Basket Ball Team '20, '21, '22.
Marguerite has had a love affair with almost every handsome boy in school and could have another any time. She boasts the only Titian hair we ever saw with accessories to match. And yet she pulls down good grades withal.
Lucille Pinson |
Member of class of '22.
Lucille is a capable girl: she ramrods a Franklin with one hand and Happy with her little finger.
Clifford Owens |
Member of class of '22. Captain of Track Team '21. Manager of Basket Ball Team '21. Member of Base Ball Team '21, '22. Member of Foot Ball squad '19, '20, (capt.) '21.
Clifford, a good-natured, friendly kid; answers to the name of "Chiffie." He is popular with the girls, especially Kate. Good luck, old top!
Velma Adams |
Member of class of '22.
Pretty, petite, and altogether precious. We plan some fifteen years hence to take our jaded souls to the Majestic to be refreshened with her nonsense.
Perry Summers |
Member of class of '22.
Here's to "Tony," a good-looking, good-natured old scout. "Tony" holds a warm place in the hearts of all his classmates as he has been a member of the class since its origin.
Ruth Frances Tune |
Member of class of '22. Member of Girls' Basket Ball Team '19, '20 (mgr.), '21 (mgr.), '22 (mgr.). Yell Leader '20-'21, '21-'22. Member of Track Team '19. Press Reporter '20, '21. Asst. Press Reporter '21, '22. Vice-President of the Literary Society '20.
Oh look not on this beauteous maid,
For this way madness lies.
A.J. Farmer, Jr. |
Member of class of '22. Member of Foot Ball Squad '19, '20. Member Base Ball Team '20 (capt.), '22 (capt.). Member of Basket Ball Team '21. President of Junior Red Cross '21, '22. Member of Spelling Team '19.
A good student, a true friend, and a scatterer of sunshine and goodwill. "Chick" is full of "pep" and the class has never lacked for life and enthusiasm since he became a member of it.
Eva Lou Witte |
Member of the class of '22. Member of the Girls' Basket Ball Team '22.
She was a stranger among us, but by her sweet and open frankness won the girls and by her lovely smile the boys.
Lois Yorke Riter |
Member of class of '22. Member of High School Orchestra. Member of Girls' Track Team '19. Member of Girls' Basket Ball Team '20, '21. Tennis '21.
Her acts belie her brown eyes' meekness;
Expressive gestures are her weakness.
Ulla Yates |
Member of class of '22.
Ulla has been with the class since the beginning; she might almost be called its founder; an infallible resort in time of Book Keeping troubles, and custodian of Blondie's heart.
Matty Lou Browning |
Member of class of '22.
All words that faithfully depict graces and virtues true,
Are found, when finally resolved, to rhyme with Matty Lou.
Rubye Elizabeth Lowe |
Member of class of '22. Member of Girls' Basket Ball Team '19, '20.
If still waters run deep, Rubye is the sea. A pleasant, quiet sea, hoever, that seldom is disturbed by storms.
Juniors |
Emmett Adams
Ruby Ball
R.C. Blake
Eldon Boone
Louis Chapman
Willie Chapman
Ruth Chapman
Ben Brooks
Della Blanche Chenault
George Coates
Jack Crawford
Carnes Enas
Ada Lou Dozier
Frances Jones
Tha Liles
Nettie Mae McMahan
Emmette Stuart
Gordon Yates
J.F. Yates
Agnes Wynne |
Photo - In nineteen hundred and twelve the education of the present Junior Class was begun. Although the class is somewhat smaller than it was ten years ago, it is distinctly the same. Our first day at school will be long remembered, no doubt, by all the members of the class - the strange room and our fellow classmates stranger still. Miss Anthony was our teacher, and her faithful labors have been rewarded; for all members of the class are efficient in the essential "three R's." Misses Bryant, Royal, Hill, Cooper and Johnson followed in the swift flight of time as our teachers.
Special mention should be made of Miss Ellen Douglas, Miss Frances M. Johnson, and Mrs. C.C. Crittendon, who gave the class, in the seventh grade, an excellent foundation for a high school career.
The class lost two of its most valuable members when Winnie Bunn and Marie Haley left us. Miss Bunn went to Dallas and Miss Haley to Wichita Falls.
If we judge the future by the past, the present Junior Class will doubtless produce some great characters. More medals in track events have been won by members of this class than of any other. Last year we supplied three of the four debaters who represented Forney High School in the county track meet. We are always well represented in athletics as well as in literary activities, and more is expected of us in the future.
The Junior Class last year thought they were IT. But the Junior Class this year is IT.
Sophomores |
Valta Anderson
Jeffie Ball
Raymon Browning
Louise Crowell
Marguerite Davis
Roddy B. Liles
Ethel Proctor
Marion Dozier
Nell Garrett
Lucille Richman
Dora Cohen
Virginia Crawford
Eugene Dozier
Mary Nell Jenkins
Lenoir Lindsay
Grady Taylor
Jessie Ruth Drake
Adelle Pinson
James Tune
Jesse Hawks
Jack Criswell
Henry Guynes
Hattie Garrett
Iley B. Coates |
by Jessie Ruth Drake:
Speaking of classes, how about ours?
Over all others it looms and it towers;
Pretty as a pictures are all of our girls,
Handsome our boys, and as lavish as earls.
On quizzes we're brilliant, superb and exact,
Multiplied quantities of wisdom and tact.
Our Jack was elected a popular man,
Running ahead of all Seniors who ran.
Ever we're striving to set a new pace,
Catching the stride of your James in a race.
Lest you forget that we are surely the class,
All of us are firmly determined to pass.
Soon we'll be Juniors, our class kept intact; as
Seniors, we'll show all the world how to act.
Freshmen |
George Newton
Louise Smith
Eugene Salmon
Richard Adamson
Eldis Kemp
Alonzo Yandell
Carrie Smith
James Daugherty
Bessie Taylor
Birdie Townshend
Frances Wilhoit
Louis Hatley
Mary Linda Porter
A.J. Mason
Nellie Gilky
Henry Robertson
Josie Coates
Charles Leonard Arnold
Vivian Russell
Carl Doak |
Photo - The Freshman Class entered high school this year with only eight of the pupils who started to school here in the first grade. The rest of have dropped out and others have taken their places.
The class has quite a remarkable record, only two pupils having failed to make the next grade, within the last three years. It also has the honor of being counted among the teachers as the quietest room in the building.
The class is composed of fifteen boys and thirteen girls, with Carrie Smith as president, Bessie Taylor, vice-president, and Frances Wilhoit, secretary and treasurer.
Homer Adams (Manager)
Left half
"Crook" is an old timer with an abundant supply of fight, as was seen quite clearly in every game of the 1921 season. With his speed and weight he was a consistent ground gainer. On offense we had no better player. Whenever a yard or so was needed for a first down, "Crook" could be relied upon to make it.
Clifford Owens (Captian)
Left end
Owens, acting as captian, has proved his ability by his leadership and his knowledge of the game. He has made some of the most beautiful runs seen on the local feild. He was one of the lightest men on the squad; yet he held his end with more than ordinary efficiency.
Ben Brooks (Captain Elect)
Right end
This is Brooks' third year on the team. He has played the position of the right end the last two years, and played tackle the first year. He has proved to be one of the most consistend ends Forney High ever had. He is a sure tackler and a valuable man on the offensive. We are all glad Brooks has one more year to play on the team. It was he who make the only touch down against S.M.S.
J.F. Yates
Left tackle
J.F. was the heaviest man in the line, and this combined with the ability to use his hands efficently enabled him to break up with the offensive formations of the opponents. He is as good as the best and will be heard from next year.
James Tune
Right guard
"Jim," with his combination of good humor and hard fighting, gained the respect and admiration of all his fellow players. If the opponents gained, it was around him, for they never succeded in going over or through his position. In thinking of the future, it pleases us to know that he will be in the next year's line-up.
Gordon Yates
Full back
Shorty's experience in track work is a great asset to him on the gridiron, adding greatly to his speed and ability as a side-stepper. He is a sure and hard tackler. With his experience and tireless fighting spirit, he has a great football career ahead of him.
Bill Pinson
Bill has been a member of the team for four years, and is one of the "headiest" quarters in High School Foot Ball. He has proved to be a splendid line plunger and was as strong on the defensive as on the offensive. His sure arm was very effective in Forney's aerial attacks.
Clem Pinson
Right half
"Runt" has ended his High School career this season. For four years he has been a mainstay on the Forney High School Team. He has made himself famous for his ability as a broken field runner. "Runt's" head work and playing in the back field have been invaluable to the team during the past three years.
Phil Holloway
Phil held down his position at center in a manner which gained him fame this past season the way in which he passed the ball was always sure. He was a ready tackler and hard worker and always kept the ball was always sure.
Louis Chapman
Left Guard
Louis' ability was recognized and he was given a berth in the line. This was his first year on the team, and next year he will be a power on the eleven. On account of injuries, he did not play in the last few games.
Jack Criswell
Left Guard
Jack played the last four games of the season in the place of Chapman, who was injured. He played in a strong and determined way, and we are counting on him for the "stuff" on the Twenty-two squad. His "pep" and encouraging remarks helped to keep up the spirit of the team.
Raymond Browning
Right Tackle
"Happy" could always be depended upon to open a hole in the opponents' line whenever the signal was called for a play through his position. From start to finish he always fought a clean, hard battle, and with his nerve and scrap he will be even a stronger linesman next year.
Basket Ball
Photo - G. Yates, Adams, Brooks, Chapman, G. Newton, J.F. Yates, Tune, Newton.
Photo - G. Yates, C. Pinson, Tune, B. Pinson, Brooks, Adams, Owens (captain).
Base Ball
Photo - Criswell, Tune, Brooks, Taylor, G. Yates, B. Pinson (captain), Adams, C. Pinson, Yates, Farmer, Yandell.
Girls' Basket Ball
Photo - Nichols, Davis, Riter, Jenkins, Tune, Crawford, Witte, Trail (captain).
Domestic Arts
Photo - Lois Riter, Ruth Tune, Matty Lou Browning, Margaret Myers, Louise Crowell, Marguerite Davis, Lucille Richman, Mary Nell Jenkins, Frances Jones, Ada Lou Dozier, Linn Crawford, Velma Adams.
Our Faculty |
Instructor |
Nickname |
Their Opinion |
Our Opinion |
Why They Teach |
Favorite Saying |
Mr. Andrews |
Prof |
That life is earnest. |
That he is too. |
Instinct for "bossing." |
Throw away your gum. |
Mr. Womack |
Mr. Womack |
That girls should be seen and not heard. |
That a little "pep" would work wonders. |
Refuge from the fair sex. |
Kindly stop talking. |
Miss Bridges |
Miss Viaduct |
That life is not all play. |
That under her there is no play. |
To correct her dimples. |
Hand in your note books. |
Miss Jenkins |
Big 'Un |
That themes are essential to life. |
That life is non-essential. |
To avoid the income tax. |
Why don't you read the Bible. |
Mrs. Ford |
Mrs. Lizzie |
That Domestic Art room is "No man's Land" |
That Art is long and time is fleeting. |
To intimidate her suitors. |
Please take these notes. |
Miss McCain |
Too Dignified to have one. |
That Miss McCain is THE teacher. |
Not so good. |
To furnish a hope chest. |
Never in all my
life--- |
Miss Anne Claire Wray |
Little Sunshine |
A smile in time adds nine |
Why won't she stand up? |
For exercise |
Straighten out that line. |
Miss Ethel Jenkins |
Baby |
That life was made for happiness |
That it's good. |
To be with her sister. |
Don't you know. |
Miss Royal |
Leler |
Good |
Better |
What would Ye? |
I'm going to settle down. |
Miss Peters |
Al |
That a fellow can't work forever. |
That her's will have to. |
As a prelude. |
I'm leavin' here. |
Miss Slaughter |
Avis |
That the world owes her a husband. |
That she's a vampish lady |
"Suffer the Little Ones" |
And-and-and-Charlie. |
Lest We Forget |
Name |
Nick-Name |
Ambition |
Entertainment |
Favorite Saying |
Bill |
Billy |
Gridiron star |
Vamping the girls. |
According to Hoyle. |
Homer |
Crook |
Professional Wrestler |
Combing his hair. |
Heck, yeah. |
Lois |
Hon |
Enter the movies. |
Driving an Overland. |
Good evenin'. |
A.J. |
Chick |
To be popular. |
Writing love letters. |
Yat-yaw-yate. |
Louise |
Lisha |
To be loved. |
Pawing the ivories. |
Heavens. |
Antoinette |
Ant |
To be married at twenty three. |
Victrola |
Oh, you all hush up. |
Eva Lou |
Scoots |
To be graceful |
Billy's Sunday sermons. |
Oh, kid, lemme tell you. |
Perry |
Tony |
To be a star swimmer. |
Inventing |
Aw, I dunno. |
Ruth |
Rufus |
Ask Rex |
Looking at the mirror. |
Oh, I'll say. |
Lucille |
Gramma |
To learn everything - that's going on. |
To tell all she knows. |
She told Papa. |
Phil |
J.P. |
To edit the 1923 Cactus |
Antoinette |
Yaw-he-Mr. Bill. |
Rubye |
Rube |
To be a typist. |
Making candy. |
Aw, Good night. |
Margaret |
Madge |
To arrange a becoming coiffure. |
Dolling up. |
Girl, if you breathe this. |
Dick |
Dickie |
To rival Kreisler |
Violin |
Aw, shucks. |
Clifford |
Tishy |
To drive on an average of 70 an hour. |
Kate and Lizzie. |
Aw, you don't say so. |
Matty Lou |
Mat |
To bob her hair. |
Primping. |
I caint. |
Clem |
Runt |
To be a second Bo McMillan. |
Teasing the girls. |
Now do you really think so. |
Velma |
Gipsy Girl |
To go on the stage. |
Singing and dancing. |
Oh, Kip. |
Ulla |
Uller |
To graduate from F.H.S. |
Blondie |
A certain person said. |
Linn |
Linnie |
To get an A.B. |
Dodging. |
Lemme see. |
Marguerite |
Red |
To make the powder stick. |
Making goo-goo eyes. |
Girl, I'll tell you what. |
Catherine |
Cat |
To be somebody's kitty. |
Rockin' the cradle. |
Say, old dear. |
Lloyd |
Goof |
To become better looking. |
Reading books on physical beauty. |
I'll jab you over the head with a gimlet. |
Our instructors |
Our Teachers |
Their Ambitions |
What We Think About 'Em |
Mr. Andrews |
To abolish gum-chewing. |
That he's hard-boiled. |
Mr. Womack |
To find an Eveless Eden. |
The only kind there is. |
Miss Bridges |
To ride the railroad on a pass. |
A laudable undertaking. |
Miss Jenkins |
To go to a Sanitarium for a rest cure. |
Age will tell. |
Mrs. Ford |
To make a model mother. |
That she has a model child. |
Miss McCain |
Carrol. |
That would help some. |
Miss Wray |
Who knows. |
Not us. |
Miss Royal |
To be queen of hearts. |
She's a Royal flush. |
Miss Ethel Jenkins |
To scatter gladness. |
A howling success. |
Miss Peters |
To find a Ray of sunshine. |
Not a Ray of hope. |
Miss Slaughter |
To teach a Kindergarten. |
The best thing she could do. |
Who Should Have Written Famous Books |
Painted Women |
Marguerite Davis |
Main Street |
Lucille Pinson |
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse |
Bill, Clem, Jack, Homer |
The Hoosier Schoolmaster |
Mr. Womack |
Freckles |
A.J. Mason |
Much Ado About Nothing |
Gordon Yates |
The Comedy of Errors |
Catherine Yates |
Love's Labours Lost |
Lois Riter |
A Lover's Complaint |
Lenoir Lindsey |
Vanity Fair |
Marguerite Nichols |
Reveries of a Bachelor |
Jack Crawford |
Daddy Long Legs |
Alonzo Yandell |
Sunshine and Awkwardness |
Catherine Yates |
Whizz Bang |
A.J. Farmer |
Two Little Savages |
Gordon Yates and Raymon Browing |
Wild Animals I Have Known |
Louise Keith (An Essay on Instructors) |
The Worn Doorstep |
Linn Crawford |
The Wrecker |
Josie Coates |
Care and Management of Rabbits |
Louise Keith and Phil Holloway |
How to Be Beautiful |
Ruth Chapman |
Housewifery |
Antoinette Reagin |
The Pathfinder |
Perry Summers |
The Great Outdoors |
Ben Brooks |
Our Mutual Friend |
Miss Jenkins |
The Iron Woman |
Miss Bridges |
The Brook |
Margaret Myers |
Paradise |
J.F. Yates |