Services are Held for Ernest Farmer |
Unknown Newspaper |
December 1962 |
Funeral services were held Saturday morning at the First Baptist Church for Ernest A. Farmer who passed away early Thursday morning following a long illness. The Rev. Jerry D. Griffin and the Rev. Joseph R. Saylor, Jr., officiated. Interment was in the Forney cemetery.
ERnest Absolom Farmer was born in Coffee County, Tennessee February 2, 1886. The family came to Texas and to Forney where he resided until going to Kaufman to be employed in the Tax Assessor-Collector's office for eleven years and then moved to Ennis where he was employed in the Ennis School Tax Assesor-Collector's office for 12 years.
His wife preceided him in death. Surviving are: two sons, Dick Farmer of Forney and Ernest Farmer, Jr., of Rock Springs, Wyoming; three daughters, Mrs. Jay Berry of Richardson, Mrs. Jack Venner and Mrs. George Anderson, Jr., both of Forney; fifteen grandchildren; one great grandchild.
Note: Ernest Absolom Farmer is buried at Hillcrest Cemetery next to his wife, Stella Farmer, and son, Dick Farmer. He was born February 2, 1886 and died December 21, 1962.