C.C. Bowles Dies at His Home in Forney |
Dallas Morning News |
November 15, 1927 |
Special to The News
FORNEY, Kaufman Co., Texas, Nov. 14 - C.C. Bowles, prominent farmer and a citizen for th elast forty years, died suddently of heart failure at his home five miles south of Forney Monday. He was starting to build the fire in the cook stove when he was suddenly seized with the attack and died without speaking.
He is survived by his wife and one son, C.G. Bowles of Mesquite. The funeral will be held from the Methodist Church Thursday. He was a director in the Forney Sanitarium.
Note: Clarence Columbus Bowles was born December 17, 1871 and died November 14, 1927. He is buried at Hillcrest Cemetery in Forney.