Marriage of John Walker & Kathleen Costello |
Dallas Morning News |
October 21, 1946 |
BRIDE - The marriage of Miss Kathleen Costello, 1930 North Carroll, niece of David M. Dennehy, Terrell, to John Roger Walker, took place Sunday afternoon at St. Martin's Academy, Forney. The Rev. Francis Brady officiated. Miss Hanna Mae Costello, sister of the bride, and Thomas J. Costello, her brother, were attendants. Mrs. Walker is a graduate of St. Martin's Academy and a member of th eComwolei Club. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Walker, Breckenridge. He attended Breckenridge High School and was graduated from Southwestern University, where he served as president of the Kappa Alpha fraternity. The newlyweds left by plane for a wedding trip to New Orleans, La. They will live in Dallas. |