Nancy Hatley Pledges Vows to Gary Vice |
Dallas Morning News |
October 14, 1962 |
Miss Nancy Gayle Hatley of Forney and Dallas was married Saturday to Gary Edward Vice in the First Baptist Church of Forney. They will live in Dallas after a short wedding trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Hatley of Forney are parents of the bride who is a graduate of North Texas State University and a member of Kappa Mu Epsilon, Pi Delta phi and Angel Flight.
The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Vice of Snyder. He is a senior at North Texas and a member of Talons and the Arnold Air Society.
Dr. James H. Stanley of Wolfe City and the Rev. Chet Reames, director of the Baptist Student Union at North Texas, officated, and the bride was given in marriage by her father.
Mrs. Paul Turner was matron of honor and the bridegroom's father served as best man.