Miss Sharon Loftin, Leslie Stark Married in Fort Worth Ceremony |
Dallas Morning News |
September 10, 1964 |
Leslie Vernon Stark and his bride, the former Miss Sharon Murlene Loftin, who were married on Aug. 29, will live at 5019 Worth and continue their studies at Arlington State College.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murl Loftin, Fort Worth. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Vernon Stark of Forney, formerly attended the University of Texas and is a member of Delta Sigma Phi.
The Rev. Dean Franklin officiated at the marriage ceremony in the Westcliff Methodist Church in Fort Worth. Honor attendants were Miss Sharon Hester of Fort Worth and the bridegroom's father.
The newlyweds are now on a trip to New Orleans, La.