Marriage of Orville W. Reagin & Florence Williams |
Dallas Morning News |
September 4, 1936 |

FORNEY, Texas, Sept. 3 - Orville W. Reagin, son of Mr. E.E. Reagin of Forney, and Miss Florence Williams of Denton, were married at the home of the bride's uncle, Dr. Gordon McFarland, 6909 Golf drive, Dallas, Wednesday evening. The Rev. William W. Phares performed the ceremoney and Miss Winona Everett of Wills Point sang "At Dawning," accompanied by Mrs. B.B. Hulsey of Forney. Only the immediate families of Mr. and Mrs. Reagin were present at the ceremony after which a wedding supper was given the wedding party and relatives at the home of Mrs. Robert E. Cowart, sister of the groom.
The couple left immediately for Galveston, where they will spend the week, returning to their home in Forney Wednesday. Upon their return, an informal garden party will be given Wednesday evening at the home of the bridegroom's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Adams.
Mr. Reagin is a banker in Forney, he and his associates having established the Forney State Bank more than twenty years ago. Mrs. Reagin is a graduate of North Texas State Teachers' College, Denton, and is a member of the Forney Grammar School faculty.