Marriage of Pinson-Gaston |
Forney Messenger, Page 4 |
Friday, November 12, 1909 |
T.J. Pinson of this city and Miss Ione Gaston of Gastonia, near Crandall, were married Wednesday evening, Nov. 10, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Gaston. A large number of relatives and friends were in attendance from a distance, the following going from here: Misses Allie, Cora and Vesta Pinson, Imogene Smith. Messrs Jim Pinson, Ed McKellar, W.E. Yates, E. Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Rhea.
The bride is well known here, having made friends by the score, and is a young lady of rare attainments and of a prominent family.
The groom is a prominent young businessman of this city, formerly holding the position of cashier of the Farmers National Bank, and also numbers his friends by the score. They will go to housekeeping in their residence here at an early date.
The many friends here and at a distance, of the contracting parties, wish them all the success and happiness attainable in this world.