Miss Shipley, James Norris Exchange Vows on Friday |
Unknown Newspaper |
October 1960 |
Miss Myra Shipley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Shipley of Forney, and James C. Norris, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Tom Norris of Terrell, were married at the First Baptist church in Forney at 7:30 o'clock Friday, October 14th. Rev. V.A. Fielden, pastor of the Grace Temple Baptist church of Terrell, officiated. The bride wore a charcoal grey suit with white accessories. Her corsage was white carnations. The bridesmade, Miss Drucilla Pinson of Forney, wore a grey suit with black accessories. Her corsage was red roses. Jackie Bannister of Forney, and cousin of the bridegroom, served as best man. The bridegroom is a 1955 graduate of Terrell High School and is now employed in Dallas. The bride attended the Forney Public Schools. The couple will make their home in Terrell. |