Huey Hogan Weds Louise Glasgow |
Dallas Morning News |
November 7, 1939 |
Miss Louise Glasgow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.G. Glasgow, 5918 Reiger Avenue, became the bride of Huey Hogan, Forney, Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents. After a short trip to Louisiana, Mr. and Mrs. Hogan will reside at 5918 Reiger Avenue.
Dr. W. Marshall Craig, pastor of Gaston Avenue Baptist Church, performed the ceremony in the living room before a mantel banked with ferns and cut flowers. The Rev. J. Lloyd Smith gave the closing prayer. The bride carried a bouquet of gardenias and tuberoses.
Mrs. Hogan is a graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School and Mr. Hogan was graduated from the Forney High School.
Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Nesmith and their daughter, Shirley Nesmith of Houston.
Miss Isabelle Brydon and Miss Margaret Hayes entertained in honor of Mrs. Hogan prior to her marriage.