Betty Pippins Marries |
Dallas Morning News |
July 8, 1961 |
Miss Betty Pippins became the bride of Lt. H.E. Haynes July 1 at the First Methodist Church in Forney. The Rev. Alton Vaughn officiated.
The bride, a former student at North Texas State College, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pippins of Forney. Lt. Haynes, the son of Mr. and Mrs. O.J. Ledbetter Jr. of Forney and Dallas, is a graduate of Texas A&M.
Mr. Pippins gave his daughter in marriage. Mrs. Nora Bramblett and Mrs. J.R. Smith provided wedding music.
Mrs. Dennis Costello of Arlington, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Miss Sandra Helm of Forney was the bridesmaid.
William L. Hicklin of Corpus Christi was best man. Mr. Costello was groomsman. George Loveland, Paul Martin of Houston, Don Burnett of Terrell and Richard Fisher of Forney seated guests.
After a reception at the American Legion Hall, the newlyweds left for a wedding trip to the Gulf Coast area. They will reside at Fort Benning, Ga., where Lt. Haynes will be stationed with the Army.