Gleghorns to Live in Lewisville |
Dallas Morning News |
January 27, 1972 |
Lewisville will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Roddy Gleghorn after their wedding trip to Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.
Mr. Gleghorn and the former Miss Betty Susan Rice exchanged wedding vows Jan. 22 at Oak Cliff Lutheran Church with Pastor Maynard J. Moen officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Muray Earl Rice, 2019 Western Park Drive, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Gleghorn of Forney are parents of the newlyweds, who have attended the University of Texas at Arlington.
Mrs. Will D. Rogers of Charlotte, N.C., attened her sister, who was escorted by their father. David Gleghorn of Carrollton was best man for the bridegroom, a former student at Henderson County Junior College, who has been living at 4650 Amesbury.