Miss Gammons Becomes Bride of Mr. Shanks |
Forney Herald, Page 14 |
Friday, April 14, 1939 |
After a wedding trip to New Orleans and other Southern cities, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Shanks will make their home in Dallas. The bride was Miss Louise Gammons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor Gammons, of Terrell, before her marriage Sunday at the Episcopal church in Terrell. Mr. Shanks is the son of Mrs. T.J. Kemendo, 5714 Lindell.
The Rev. Benjamin Bean performed the ceremony.
A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents after the ceremony.
Miss Mary Venner of Forney attended the wedding. Mrs. Shanks and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gammons are former residents of Forney.