Neill Flemister and Genell Hutto Marry at Terrell |
Dallas Morning News |
June 25, 1939 |
Miss Genell Hutto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Matthew Hutto, Forney, and Neill Covington Flemister, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. John Flemister, 5604 Victor, were married Wednesday evening at the First Baptist Church, Terrell.
Miss Gladys Hutto, sister of the bride, was Mrs. Flemister's only attendant. Mr. Flemister was attended by his best man, Rollin T. Herald, Fort Worth, and the ushers, Robert Shellbert, Fort Worth, and Harry Lindsley, Dallas.
After a reception held at the home of the bride's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan, the couple left for a trip to the Ozarks. Upon their return they will make their home in Dallas.
The bride is a graduate of the Forney High School. Mr. Flemister attended Dallas Technical High School, NATC and graduated from Texas Technological College. He is a member of the Block and Bridle Club and the Dallas chapter of the Texas Tech Alumni.