Miss Helen Davis Becomes Bride of C.A. Emerson Jr. |
Dallas Morning News |
January 31, 1938 |
The marriage of Miss Helen Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Davis, Forney, and Charles A. Emerson Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Emerson, 2619 Knight, Dallas, took place Sunday at the home of the bride's parents.
The Rev. Paul C. Stephenson read the double ring ceremony. The wedding march was played by Miss Elisabeth Jones, cousin of Mrs. Emerson.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was gowned in royal blue alpaca, cut princess style, and her accessories were black. Her corsage was of gardenias.
Miss Margaret Davis, sister of the bride, attending as maid of honor, wore a beige crepe dress with brown and beige accessories. Her corsage was of talisman roses.
Ross Lindsay attended Mr. Emerson as best man.
Following the ceremony the couple left for a trip to South Texas, after which they will be at home at 4520 Columbia.