Bride at Marriage Ceremony Conducted at Church in Forney |
Dallas Morning News |
June 30, 1935 |
Mrs. Louis Irl Dietz
FORNEY, Texas, June 29 - Mrs. Louis Irl Dietz, formerly Miss Linn Griffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Griffin of Forney, was married to Mr. Dietz on June 22 at the First Christian Church in Forney. The Rev. Ben F. Hearne of Mineral Wells, brothers-in-law of the bridegroom, officiated. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Frances Griffin, her sister, was maid of honor. Dick Moore of Paris attended Mr. Dietz as best man. Miss Mattie Belle Battle of Commerce and Miss Stella Marie Rudd of Arlington were bridesmaids. Dr. Fred Dozier and Jesse Dietz of Forney were ushers. Music was furnished by Mrs. B.B. Hussey and Mrs. W.H. Crawford.
Following their wedding trip to Colorado the couple will be at home at Forney. The bridegroom formerly attended Southern Methodist University. The bride is a graduate of the Texas State College for Women (C.I.A.). She has been a teacher of home economics in the Jacksonville High School for the last three years.