Marriage of Joseph Collins & Margaret Crosby |
Dallas Morning News |
September 25, 1946 |
Bride - The marriage of Miss Mildred Ann Crosby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Crosby, Waterboro, S.C., to Joseph John Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.P. Collins, Forney, took place Sept. 14 at the Christ of the King Church with the Rev. W.J. Nold officiating. Attendants were Miss Mary Collins, Patrick Kinney, Thomas Maher, Dennis Collins, Martin Collins, and Edward J. Solon Jr. Mrs. Collins is a graduate of Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S.C. Mr. Collins attended St. Joseph's Academy and was graduated from Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. He was recently discharged as a liutenant in the Navy after serving forty-four months, thirty-five months having been spent in the Pacific. |