Take Vows |
Dallas Morning News |
May 26, 1946 |
Miss Clara Virginia Abbott, daughter of Mrs. Oulah Abbott, was married to Clifford C. Burch, Rockwall, Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at her home, 5547 Miller. Mr. Burch is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Brooks, Forney. The double-ring ceremony was read by Dr. Frank C. Brown. Mrs. Charles Woolsey attended the bride as matron of honor and Mr. Woolsey was best man. Miss Carolyne Moor (Moore?) also attended the bride. The bride is a graduate of North Dallas High School. Mr. Burch was graduated from Rockwall High School and served three eyars in the Navy. After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Burch, above, will be at home at 5547 Miller.