Miss Belew, James Lott Set Wedding |
Dallas Morning News |
January 24, 1958 |
Miss Virglyn Amelia Belew and James David Lott will be married Feb. 22 in Denton where they are students at North Texas State College.
The future bridegroom, a 3-year letter man in football and leading scorer in the Missouri Valley Conference the past season, will be graduated in January. The son of Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Lott of Fairfield, he is president of the T-Club and Iota Nu Sigma, corresponding secretary of Blue Key and member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. He has been named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.
Miss Belew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgle Hase Belew of Atlanta, formerly of Forney, is a member of Delta Gamma and the Ellen H. Richards Club. She was a candidate for school beauty queen this year.