Minutes of the Forney First Baptist Church, beginning on Jan 6, 1905.
Forney First Baptist Church
Forney, Texas, Jan 6, 1905
Met in conference after preaching by the pastor.
1. Invited visiting brethren to seats with us.
2. Offered opportunity for membership.
3. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted.
4. Report of committee on seats as follows:
That we are ready to buy. E.J. ELY, J.T. MILLER, R.P. PINSON, and
L.L. JONES, com.
5. On motion and sec. this committee was continued and empowered to
purchase seats. Motion and sec. to adjourn.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Jan 7, 1905
Called conference. The church on motion and sec. decided to have protracted
meeting beginning Friday before 3rd Sunday in Jan. 1905 and invited Bro. J.M.
NEWBURN to assist in the meeting which began Friday before 4th Sunday Jan.
1905 and close 1st Sunday night in Feb. Received member one Mr. Arthur.
BARRETT by Ex. and Baptism.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Feb 28, 1905
Letter granted Mrs. Lillian B. McKENDRY of Ada, Indian Territory (Oklahoma).
H.W. BALL, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Mar 11, 1905
After preaching by pastor, the church met in conference.
1. Asking visiting to seats with us.
2. Extended the privilege of the church. Bro. Wm. KALTON and wife Sister
Harriet KALTON present letters and received Miss Beatrice NELSON,
Miss Jessie NELSON and Miss Gertrude LEE were received by Ex. and Baptism.
3. Adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Mar 12, 1905
After preaching Sunday Morn 11th, and opportunity was offered for membership
when Mr. Sam WILLHOYT, Tom IRVIN, Miss Nora ADAMS,
and Miss Neva NELSON presented themselves for membership and were
received by experience and baptism. P.C. SCOTT, Pastor
Collection for sexton as follows:
L.L. JONES -------- $1.00
P.E. YATES -------- $1.00
Mrs. T.H. DAILEY -- $1.00
Mrs. Elberta KEMP - $1.00
Etha DAILEY ------- $1.00
Jean DOZIER ------- $1.00
BALL --------------- $.25
John KEMP ---------- $.50
Mr. COOLY ---------- $.50
KALTON ------------- $.25
Jim YATES ---------- $.50
Mrs. WILLS --------- $.50
P.C. SCOTT --------- $.25
Miss Myrtle SOWELL - $.50
Harvey CRITTENDEN -- $.50
Mrs. CONNOER ------- $.25
E.J. ELY ---------- $1.00
J.D. ADAMS -------- $1.00
Miss Nell HILL ---- $1.00
Jason SOWELL ------ $1.00
J.D. NELSON ------- $1.00
Webb WILLIAMS ------ $.50
J.N. DAILEY -------- $.25
W.E. YATES --------- $.50
A.J. KINCAID ------- $.50
R.A. ORR ----------- $.50
Dick KEMP ---------- $.50
Mrs. Will McNUTT --- $.50
Sam WILLHOYT ------- $.50
Miss Neva NELSON --- $.50
Dell HARVEY -------- $.50
Miss LORY ---------- $.25
Mar 12, 1905
After preaching by pastor at 8 p.m. an opportunity for membership was offered.
H. ERVIN presented himself and was received by experience and baptism.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Apr 8, 1905
After preaching by pastor church met in conference. Not having minutes there
was no business transacted.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Apr 9, 1905
Miss Nell HILL presented letter which was unanimously received.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
May 16, 1905
After prayer meeting Tuesday night church met in conference. Granted letters
to Frank JOYCE, J.H. CANADY and Mamie CANADY his wife, to Bessie
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
June 2, 1905, Sunday
The church met in conference and on motion and sec. agreed to paint church
and parsonage. Collection taken to amt. ______.
July 9, 1905
By a motion and sec. church agreed to begin protracted meeting at Sunday
1st Aug 1905.
Aug 12, 1905
The Baptist Church of Forney met in regular conference Saturday Aug 12, 1905
at 11 a.m. after sermon by the pastor. An opportunity was given for
2. Report of the following committees received. Committee to purchase pews
discharged. Committee to paint church and parsonage report. Received and
committee continued. The pews cost in place $442.00 paid cash for them.
The painting cost $76.00 in cash with some work given.
3. New business. Letter granted Mrs. M.A. MARTIN. Messengers appointed
to East Fork Association as follows: W.E. YATES, A.A.
Alternates: W.H. PINSON, M.P. HUDSON, Sister ELY, Bro. J.T. MILLER.
On motion and sec. church cl. was instructed to prepare Associational letter and
submit it to the church for adoption. Collection for minutes $1.50. Miss Ollie
YATES and Beatrice NELSON were appointed to finish minute collection.
No further business, conference adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
H.W. BALL, Ch. Cl. protem
Aug 22, 1905
The Baptist Church Forney, Texas met in conference before preaching by
1. Reading East Fork Baptist Associational letter after corrections was
2. Letter granted Miss Addie BOWDEN (Birdine?)
3. Church voted to sustain Brother SCOTT's pledge to Missionary Baptist
Association for $1.00. State Missions.
4. Church adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Aug 22, 1905
The meeting which began on 1st Sunday lasted to night with following results.
A glorious meeting with the joys of salvation restored to all those members who
attended the meetings. Members received by letter: R.S ANTHONY,
J.A. BRYANT, Mrs. J.R. LUTTRELL. By Baptism: John LORY, Miss Seetle
OWEN, Miss Sible CONNOR, Miss Janie PATTENT, Mr. Grover BOWDEN.
P.C. SCOTT did all the preaching. Amt. of collection during meeting $10.30.
Amt. paid out to Priest and McCREE for flue $6.50. Committee on
painting continued. On motion and sec. adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Sep 9, 1905
Forney First Baptist Church met in conference after preaching by pastor.
1. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
2. On motion sec. Brother SCOTT was excused from preaching tomorrow.
3. There was motion and sec. to accept a proposition from the Methodist
pastor to go into a union meeting with the other churches of the town. The
vote was taken and results were as follows: vote in favor of union meeting 0.
Votes against the union meeting 14. On motion & sec. Adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Sep 24, 1905
Letters granted Mr. and Mrs. W.E. YATES, and Misses Ollie and Lola YATES.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Sep 24, 1905
Received by letter R.L. ANDERSON
Oct 7, 1905
Forney First Baptist Church met in conference after preaching by pastor.
1. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
2. Letters granted Bro. Wm KALTON and wife.
3. Messengers were elected to the B.M.A. which meets in Dallas Nov 21.
Bro. P.C. SCOTT, S.L. YARRELL were elected messengers, Bro. HAWKS
and Bro. H.W. BALL, Alternates. On motion and sec., adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
P.S. On motion and sec. the envelope system of giving was adopted. Vote 17.
Nov 11, 1905
Forney First Baptist Church met in conference after preaching by pastor.
1. Opened doors of church - none.
2. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
3. Report on envelope system of cost of envelopes and c. $9.50. Appointed
a committee to distribute envelopes and take pledges. Miss Neva NELSON,
Mrs. E.J. ELY, Mrs. J.P. MILLS, Mrs. Geo. LEE.
4. Motion and sec. to go into the call of pastor for another year. Bro. S.L.
YARRELL was chosen as moderator protem. Bro. P.C. SCOTT was put
in nomination. Bro. J.T. MILLER made motion to elect. By acclamation
which was carried and a standing vote was taken, which was unanimous in
his favor. No votes 32 R.L. ANTHONY, W.E. HARVEY, A.A. DARDEN
were appointed to notify Bro. SCOTT of his election.
Forney First Baptist Church
Nov 26, 1905
Met after preaching by pastor. Bro. Louis CASH and wife Sister ______
(M. Calledonia) were received into full fellowship with letter to be brought
soon. Miss Dora FINKEN was granted letter of dismission.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
R.P. PINSON ------- $25.00
John H. CLARK ------ $3.00
John BRYAN --------- $1.00
J.D. ADAMS --------- $2.50
Mr. Sam WILLHOYET -- $1.00
Mrs. Jeff DAVIS ---- $5.00
Grover YARRELL ----- $3.00
W.H. PINSON ------- $20.00
R.A. ADAMS ---------- $.50
Mrs. J.H. CONNOR --- $1.00
Jason SOWELL ------ $10.00
John BRYAN --------- $1.50
I.L. WILMARTH ----- $15.00
J.C. GARNER -------- $2.00
Mrs. H.B. HEAR ------ 5.00
Geo. ALPHIN -------- $5.00
Miss Maggie HOWELL - $2.00
W.H. ANDERSON ----- $10.00
Mrs. J.F. PINSON --- $2.50
Mrs. Alice LUTRELL - $2.00
Mrs. Annie FIX ----- $2.50
S.L. YARRELL ------- $7.00
Newt WHITTEMORE --- $10.00
R.A. ORR ----------- $1.00
Mrs. LATHEM -------- $1.00
Mrs. S.C HAILEY --- $10.00
O.L. WILEY -------- $10.00
Mrs. L.C. REAGIN --- $2.50
J.F. YATES -------- $10.00
J.C. GARNER -------- $2.00
Mr. J.T. RUNNELS --- $5.00
Forney First Baptist Church
Dec 9, 1905
After preaching by pastor, church met in conference. Minutes of last meeting
read and approved.
2. Granted letters to Bro. R.A. ADAMS and wife, Sister R.J. ADAMS.
Also to Miss Daisey and Grace and Harrison ADAMS. Letters granted
Mrs. Cora TILLERY, on motion sec. adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Dec 24, 1905
After service by pastor, a letter was granted Bro. R.S ANDERSON.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Dec 24, 1905
Night service. After preaching letters granted Bro. J.M. MITCHAM and wife.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Jan 13, 1906
After preaching by pastor the church met in conference.
1. Called for reading of minutes which were not read because of absence of
2. Called for report of finance committee, which not being ready to report
were deferred to next Tuesday night at prayer meeting.
3. Letter granted to Mrs. E.M. LATHEM.
4. Conference adjourned to next Tuesday Night after prayer meeting.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Jan 16, 1906
After prayer meeting the church met in conference.
1. Called for report of finance committee. A partial report was made by chairman
of committee on motion and sec. report was received and committee discharged.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Jan 28, 1906
After preaching by pastor conference was called and letters granted Bro. W.E.
HARVEY and wife, Mr. Dell HARVEY, Miss Dixie and Johnie HARVEY.
Also Mrs. Mattie WILKERSON.
Feb 10, 1906
After preaching by pastor the church met in conference.
1. Called for reading of minutes of last conference which were read and
2. Letters were granted Sisters Mrs. Alice LUTRELL and Mrs. Lizzie
McCLURE. On motion and sec. the church withdrew fellowship from Mr. Joe
DANNIELS and Sister Mollie COLLINS for heresy, joining Presbyterians.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
P.S. Tis agreed by the members present in conference that Bro. SCOTT
be permitted to invite Brother Tom PINSON to preach for us on the
fourth Sunday in this month. Feb 10, 1906.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Feb 20, 1906
At prayer meeting the church met in conference and a letter granted
Mrs. Beatrice HARVEY.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Mar 10, 1906
After preaching by pastor, the church met in conference.
1. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
2. Letters granted Mrs. Irene HATLEY MOORE and Bro. John BRYAN.
3. On motion second the church withdrew fellowship from Sister Laura B.
YATES for heresy and joining Episcopal Church. On motion and sec. a
committee was appointed to see Sister Berty PAIN about rumors that she
had been dancing. Mrs. J.H. CONNER was appointed com. On motion
and sec. adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Mar 25, 1906
Received by letter Brother and Sister ROADS (RHODES). The Baptist
Missionary Institute met with Forney Baptist Church April 5, 1906 - April 7,
1906. After preaching by Bro. S.H. SLAUGHTER, the church met in
conference. The minutes not being present nothing was done except to
continue all reference to next meeting. Sub. collection was taken for State
and Foreign Mission to the amount of $20.00. On motion and sec. adjourned
to next regular meeting.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
April 8, 1906
After preaching by Bro. S.H. SLAUGHER an appeal was made for
contribution for Texas Baptist University, Oak Cliff, Texas. With the
following collection:
R.P. PINSON ----- $100.00
J.F. YATES ------- $50.00
Newt WHITTEMORE -- $10.00
Mrs. Jack SOUTH --- $5.00
Hat collection --- $12.50
W.H. PINSON ------ $25.00
J.C. GARNER ------ $25.00
Ike HOWELL ------ $100.00
Mrs. Elberta KEMP - $5.00
Receipt for $172. by S.H. SLAYTH(?)
The Baptist Missionary Institute met at Forney April 5 and continued to
Sunday night the 8th. We had a good meeting considering the rainy weather.
Bro. J.O. HEARNE preached a most excellent sermon of F______ (not
entered) Sunday at 8 p.m. The congregation was fine at 11 a.m. and at
8 p.m. services.
May 12, 1906
After preaching by Bro. PC. SCOTT of the church met in conference.
1. Called for reading of minutes of last meeting which not being present were
deferred to next conference.
2. Motion and sec. that we have a protracted meeting to begin first Sunday
in July. Motion carried.
3. Motion and sec. to grant Bro. SCOTT permission to return to Dallas
and continue his meeting there. And Bro. MORTON of Crandall to fill his
place here on appointment.
4. After report of committee. On motion and sec. the church withdrew
fellowship from Miss Burta PAINE for dancing.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
Grover BOWDER, C.C. Protem
May 13, 1906
Before preaching by Bro. MORTON of Crandall, the church was called
in conference to grant Bro. Webb WILLIAMS a letter of dismission.
Letter granted.
Bro. MORTON, Mod.
May 22, 1906
AFter preaching by Bro. Wm. KALTON, Bro. J.C. GARNER a regular
ordained deacon was received by letter into full fellowship with us. Also
Sister Laura GARNER was received by letter.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
June 1906
Pearl CRITTENDEN received by letter from Valley View Church.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
May 13, 1906/June 9, 1906
After preaching by pastor the church met in conference.
1. Called for reading of minutes of last meeting.
2. Minutes read and approved. New business - none.
Adjourned to next regular conference.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
July 7, 1906
After preaching by pastor church met in regular conference.
1. Called for reading of the minutes which were read and approved.
2. Bro. J.C. GARNER, J.T. MILLER and W.H. RHODES were elected
messengers to the East Fork Association which meets at Prospect, 8 miles
east of Kaufman. Bro. J.A. COOLY, P.C. SCOTT and A.A. DARDEN
were elected alternates. Collection for minutes and other obligations for
association postponed to next regular meeting.
3. Collection for Sexton - $3.55
Sister J.A. COOLY --------- $.50
O.L. WILEY --------------- $1.00
Miss Etha DAILEY --------- $1.00
A.A. DARDEN --------------- $.50
Mrs. KEMP ----------------- $.50
Motion and sec. that the church extend her sincere thanks to the Ladys
Aid Society for the beautiful communion set which they presented to the
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
July 15, 1906
Protracted meeting which began the 1st Sunday in July continued two
weeks, Bro. P.C. SCOTT did the preaching, Bro. TAYLOR of the
Baptist University, Oak Cliff did the singing. We had a fine meeting with
the following additions to the church.
Bro. J.F. TAYLOR and Sister J.F. TAYLOR - By letter.
Bro. John BOWDEN - By Ex. and Baptism.
Floyd TAYLOR - By Ex. and Baptism.
Mr. Tom SPILLMAN - By Ex. and Baptism.
Miss Lony BLAKE - By Ex. and Baptism.
Mrs. Ninnie HAWKS - By Ex. and Baptism.
Miss Mary DUKE - By Ex. and Baptism.
Miss Jessie HUDSON - By Ex. and Baptism.
Edie B. SHELTMAN - By Ex. and Baptism.
Mr. Mack DUKE - By Ex. and Baptism.
Mr. J.D. EDGAR - By Ex. and Baptism.
Mary ELY - By Ex. and Baptism.
Mr. and Mrs. L.M. HUNNEYCUT - By Ex. and Baptism.
Mrs. Tom SPELLMAN - By Ex. and Baptism.
A collection of Forty Two dollars was taken for the benefit of the singer. A free will
offering of Fifty Four Dollars was presented to Bro. P.C. SCOTT for his untiring
efforts to do good service for the Lord. The meeting closed with a large crowd and
much interest being felt for good.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
Aug 12, 1906
After preaching by Bro. S.H. SHAUGHTER, the church met in conference.
1. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
2. Took collection for minutes as followed:
E.J. ELY ----- $.50
J.T. MILLER -- $.25
R.S. ANTHONY - $.25
John P. KEMP - $.0
L.L. JONES --- $.25
Mr. BOWDEN --- $.25
A.A. DARDEN -- $.25
Total ------- $1.85
3. Motion and sec. that the delegates pastor and deacons decide how much this church
should pledge for the different purposes of the Association which is to meet at Prospect,
Kaufman, Tx. The following collection taken in subscription for State Mission:
L.L. JONES ----- $5.00
R.L. ANTHONY --- $1.00
J.T. MILLER ---- $5.00
Mrs. KEMP ------ $1.00
E.J. ELY ------- $5.00
A.A. DARDEN ---- $1.00
Bro. M. SMERER - $2.50
Mack DUKE ------ $1.00
The deacons to finish minute collection. On motion and sec. adjourned to next Tuesday night.
L.L. JONES, Ch. C.
Don HUDSON for State Mission --------- $2.50
W.H. ROADS (RHODES) Sub. for minutes -- $.25
R.P. PINSON Sub. for minutes ---------- $.50
Mrs. L.C. REAGIN - Sub. for minutes --- $.25
W.H. PINSON - Sub. for minutes -------- $.25
Newt WHITTEMORE - Sub. for minutes ---- $.25
P.C. SCOTT - Sub. for minutes --------- $.25
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Tuesday Night - The 15 of Aug
After prayer meeting church met in conference the East Fork Association. Letter was read
and adopted by the church
J.C. GARNER, Mod. Protem
Sep 7, 1906
After preaching by pastor, the church met in conference.
1. Called for reading of minutes of last meeting which were read and adopted.
2. Called for report of committees - none.
3. New Business. On motion and sec. Bro. P.C. SCOTT and R.P. PINSON were elected
as Messenger to the B.M.A. which meets in Dallas Oct. 31, 1906. M. SCHNEERER,
L.L. JONES were elected as Alternates.
4. Bro. J.T. MILLER and S.L. YARRELL were appointed by pastor on motion and sec.
of the church to see Bro. Jim HILL whom it is rumored that he has deported from the faith
or has taken up with the Holiness folk. On motion and sec. adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
Sep 9, 1906
Mr. L.M. HUNNICUT and wife presented their letters which were promised July 11, 1906.
Mrs. Tom SPELLMAN also presented her letter. Night Services. After preaching by
pastor an opportunity was offered for membership when Bro. John BOLES and wife and
Bro. R.L. ANDERSON were received into full fellowship in the church upon the
recommendation of letters.
L.L. JONES, Ch.Cl.
Oct 13, 1906
After preaching by pastor the church met in conference.
1. Called for reading of minutes of last meeting, which were adopted.
2. Called for reports of committees. Bro. J.T. MILLER reported that he and Bro. S.L.
YARRELL saw Bro. Jim HILL and Bro. HILL said that the report he had gone off with
the Holiness folks was a mistake and that he was still with us and wanted to stay with the
church here. Report received and committee discharged.
3. On motion and sec. the resignation of the sexton was received. The church is due him
$13.65. On motion and sec. Indy WATERS was granted letter of dismission. On motion
and sec. adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch.Cl.
Oct 28, 1906
After preaching by pastor an opportunity was offered for membership. Bro. E.J. JONES
and daughter Minnie presented letters which were read and accepted. Collection was taken
for state mission as follows:
E.J. ELY ------------$5.00
R.P. PINSON ---------$5.00
Newt C. WHITTEMORE --$5.00
J.T. MILLER ---------$5.00
M. SCHNEER ----------$2.50
Miss Etha DAILEY ----$2.00
S.L. YARRELL --------$1.00
R.L. ANTHONY --------$1.00
Tom SPELLMAN --------$1.00
John LANA -----------$5.00
Mrs. HUDSON ---------$1.00
R.A. ORR ------------$1.00
Nell HILL -----------$1.00
Dick KEMP -----------$1.00
Maggie HOWELL -------$1.00
Mrs. Van HATLEY -----$1.00
Mrs. CASH -----------$1.00
Mrs. E.S. KEMP ------$1.00
W.R. CRITTENDEN -----$2.50
R.L. ANDERSON -------$1.00
Frank FOWLER --------$1.00
Mrs. S.C. HAILEY ----$1.00
J.C. GARNER ---------$5.00
L.L. JONES ----------$5.00
P.C. SCOTT ----------$5.00
A.A. DARDEN ---------$2.50
W.H. PINSON ---------$2.50
Grover BOWDEN -------$1.50
E.J. JONES ----------$1.00
Jean DOZIER ---------$1.00
H.W. BALL ------------$.50
W.H. RHODES ---------$1.00
Mr. J.H. COOLY ------$1.00
R.R. BALL -----------$1.00
J.D. EDGAR ----------$1.00
Bro. HUNEYCUT -------$1.00
Mrs. G.W. LEE -------$1.00
Jim YATES -----------$1.00
Donald HUDSON -------$2.50
Mack DUKE -----------$1.00
Harvey CRITTENDEN ---$2.50
Jason SOWELL --------$1.00
Mrs. J.F. PINSON ----$1.00
Public Collection ---$2.05
Oct 28, 1906
This being the time appointed to call a pastor Bro. TAYLOR of Dallas was chosen
as moderator Protem. On motion and sec. the regular order of business was dispensed
with and a call by acclamation was made at the request of the church Bro. R.L.
ANTHONY announced the results of the call which was unanimous in the election
of Bro. SCOTT for half his time. On motion and sec. adjourned.
L.L. JONES, Ch. Cl.
Oct 28, 1906
On motion and sec. Bro. H.W. BALL was elected to serve Sexton included with
same motion the church agreed to pay sexton $4.00 per month for regular services.
A subscription was taken for sexton as follows per year. Paid old sexton $3.00.
L.L. JONES -----------$2.00
J.C. GARNER ----------$2.00
S.L. YARRELL ---------$2.00
Mr. Louis CASH --------$.50
Mr. HUNNEYCUT --------$1.00
Mr. John BOLES -------$1.00
Mr. & Mrs. MILLS -----$1.00
J.D. NELSON ----------$1.00
M.P. HUDSON ----------$1.00
Mrs. E.S. KEMP --------$.50
Mr. T.H. ARNOLD ------$1.00
Mrs. P.C. SCOTT ------$1.00
Mr. & Mrs. E.J. ELY --$2.00
Mrs. Geo. LEE --------$1.00
Miss Etha DAILEY -----$1.00
Mr. T.H. DAILEY ------$1.00
Mrs. GARNER ----------$1.00
R.H. ORR -------------$1.00
Miss Ara YATES -------$1.00
Miss Myrtle SOWELL ---$1.00
Mr. Grover BOWDEN ----$1.00
James YATES ----------$2.00
R.L. ANDERSON --------$1.00
P.C. SCOTT -----------$1.00
Mr. DUKE (dead) ------$1.00
R.P. PINSON ----------$2.00
W.H. PINSON ----------$2.00
J.T. MILLER ---------$10.00
O.L. WILEY -----------$2.00
Newt WHITTEMORE ------$2.00
A.A. DARDEN ----------$1.00
Mr. H.J. JONES -------$1.00
Mrs. A.A. DARDEN ------$.50
Tom SPELLMAN ---------$1.00
Mrs. Tom SPELLMAN ----$1.00
J.T. MILLER ----------$2.00
Mr. W.H. RHOADES ------$.25
John KEMP, Jr. --------$.25
E.M. DOZIER ----------$1.00
R.L. ANTHONY ---------$1.00
Nov 10, 1906
After preaching by pastor the church met in conference.
1. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
2. Letter was granted Bro. H.W. LAWRENCE.
4. [sic] On motion second adjourned.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch.Cl.
Nov 11, 1906
After preaching by Bro. P.C. SCOTT, church was called into conference to act
on following Resolution.
Resolved that we pay Bro. P.C. SCOTT Four Hundred Dollars in cash and furnish
him the parsonage to live in provided he lives here for the next years service
beginning Saturday before the second Sunday in Nov. 1906.
P.C. SCOTT, Mod.
L.L. JONES, Ch.Cl.
L.L. JONES -----------$25.00
R.L. ANTHONY ---------$15.00
M. SCHNEERER ----------$5.25
J.C. GARNER ----------$20.00
W.H. PINSON ----------$20.00
R.P. PINSON ----------$30.00
R.A. ORR -------------$10.00
Jason SOWELL ---------$10.00
J.N. DAILEY -----------$2.00
Grover YARRELL --------$5.00
J.T. TAYLOR -----------$5.00
J.T. REYNOLDS ---------$5.00
Mrs. H.B. HEARE -------$3.00
E.J. BALL -------------$5.00
E.J. JONES ------------$5.00
John H. CLARK ---------$3.00
Annie FIX -------------$2.50
Jean M. DOZIER --------$6.00
D.D. KEMP -------------$2.50
Mr. & Mrs. L.M. CASH --$6.00
H.W. BALL --------------$.75
Mrs. Sol EUDY ---------$2.50
Jim YATES -------------$2.00
W.H. ANDERSON --------$10.00
Mrs. L.C. REAGIN ------$2.50
Mrs. S.B. CHAPMAN -----$1.00
Jeff DAVIS ------------$2.50
I.L. WILMARTH --------$15.00
Sam WILHOIT -----------$3.00
M. SCHEERER -----------$4.75
Newt WHITEMORE -------$15.00
Mrs. DAILEY & Etha ----$2.00
J.F. YATES -----------$25.00
Mrs. J.C. GARNER ------$5.00
Mrs. S.C. HAILEY -----$10.00
O.L. WILEY -----------$10.00
J.T. MILLER ----------$13.00
R.R. BALL -------------$5.00
S.L. YARRELL ---------$10.00
Harvey CRITTENDEN -----$5.00
Wm. DUKE --------------$2.50
Mrs. Jeff DAVIS -------$2.50
Maggie HOWELL ---------$2.00
John BOLES ------------$7.50
W.H. RHOADS -----------$5.00
Frank FOWLER ----------$2.50
James A. COOLY --------$5.00
R.L. ANDERSON ---------$1.00
A.A. DARDEN ----------$10.00
Mrs. Mary CLARK -------$1.00
Mrs. Amanda HARRIS -----$.25
Mrs. Elberta KEMP ------$.25
Mrs. J.N. McNUTT ------$2.40
Rev. J.A. LEE ---------$1.00
Mrs. M.P. HUDSON ------$4.00
E.J. ELY -------------$20.00
J.P. KEMP -------------$5.00
Sam PINSON ------------$5.00
John BULFORD -----------$.10
1907 for Sexton
Leonard REAGIN ---------$.50
Leona BLAKE ------------$.50
J.F. YATES ------------$1.00
Dec 8, 1906
After preaching by pastor the church met in conference.
1. Opened doors of the church. Brother W.C. TAYLOR, Oak Cliff was
received and right hand of church fellowship was extended.
2. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
3. Letters were granted Bro. J.D. EDGAR and wife Sister Berta. Letters
of dismission also letter was granted Miss Cecil OWEN.
4. Brother H.W. BALL and J.C. GARNER were appointed to see about
insuring the church and to report Tuesday night next.
5. Motion and sec. Brother SCOTT was permitted to fill the pulpit for us
tomorrow by Bro. J.H. LEE.
Dec 28, 1906
The fifth Sunday meeting met according to previous announcement with
this church had a very good meeting. A protracted meeting was begun
on Sunday night Dec. 30 to continue til it seemed proper to quit. With
following results received by let. Mrs. S.B. CHAPMAN discussed by
letter. Mr. Arthur BARRETT received. Miss Emma DEEHL by letter.
Rev. J.A. LEE and wife Sister LEE.