The following minutes were found in an old ledger that is believed to be
the minutes of the First Baptist Church of Forney, Texas at the joining
of two Baptist churches in 1884. The beginning of the minutes appears
to be a partial and some of the minutes are missing. Copied verbatim.
...named at the act of the church. A motion was made to with-draw the
fellowship of the church from them by a voted [sic] of the church. Which
resulted in the same act. After which the church adjourned.
J.W. BRICE, moderator
Sunday, Aug. 9th, 1883
Church met and had services by pastor. After which the church was declared
in regular conference and ready for transaction of any buisiness [sic]. The
church received by letter the following named members Rev. J.J. PARKERSON & wife, Miss Clarressa COOK. The church elected J.M. HAYES sexton, O.L.
WILEY church clerk.
J.W. BRICE, mod.
L.M. STROUD, C.C. protem
Forney, Texas Dec. 10th, 1883
The First Baptist church met at usual hour and had services by our Pastor. After
which the church was declared in regular conference. Nothing of impotance [sic] being before the church. We adjourned to meet again at night.
J.W. BRICE, mod.
Jan. 13th, 1883
The Church met and had services by Pastor. After which opened. No applicants
being present. New buisiness [sic] was called for. Bro. R.R. RIDGELL moved
to have a school in the church house. After the question was discussed, it was
carried. L.M. STROUD was appointed to draw up a binding article of
agreements for the trustees of said school to sign. To become responsible for
the care of the house and seats. No other business. We adjourned.
J.W. BRICE, mod.
April 7th, 1883
Church met at regular hour. Pastor not being present. Moved & seconded that
Bro. E.W. TURNER act as mod. Vote was put to the house & carried after
reading scripture and prayers the church was declared in regular conference.
Bro. RIDGELL addressed the church in regard to paying our pastor. Also took
up a collection for same. No other buisiness [sic] being before the house. We
Sunday 8th
Church met at regular hour with a large congregation and our Pastor preached.
A most excellent sermon. After which the church was declared in regular
conference. Bro. J.A. ANDERSON presented letter and asked for membership
in our church. Upon a vote he was received in full fellowship. After which we
J.W. BRICE, mod.
Saturday May 5th, 1883
The First Baptist Church met at usual hour. Had a good sermon by our pastor.
After which the church was declared in regular conference. for the transaction
of any church business. The doors of the church being opened. Sister E.
STANFORD of Lee County, Miss. presented a letter and asked for membership
and by a vote of the church she was received into full fellowship. It was moved & carried that the deacons act as Trustees for the church. After which we adjourned.
J.W. BRICE, mod.
May 6th
Church met at regular hour and had a splendid sermon by our pastor. After
which the church was declared in regular conference. Nothing of importance
being before the church. We adjourned to meet again tonight.
Saturday June 9th, 1883
The Church met at usual hour and enjoyed a good sermon by our Pastor. After
which the church was declared in regular conference by mad(?). Moved & carried
that the Clerk prepare a letter to the association. Bro. J.J. PARKERSON,
Dr. STROUD, R.R. RIDGELL & TURNER we elected as delligates [sic] to the
association. Collection for minutes of association $1.20. Bros PARKERSON,
STROUD & RIDGELL were chosen to meet committy [sic] appointed by the
association to investigate the trouble in the church which was caused by the
church excluding James HARPER & his supporters. No other business of interest.
We adjourned.
J.W. BRICE, mod.
Saturday July 7th, 1883
The church met at usual & had a good sermon by our Pastor. After which in
church was declared in regular conference. And was m & c [sic] that we would
protract the meeting which resulted in much good to the church adv(?) the community
gerorilly (?). The following named members were received by experience of Grace
Vida RIDGELL, Fannie BOLES, Louisa BOLES, Alice WOODS, Hiram ERWIN,
Sallie PRUITT, Jaseth [sic] PRUITT, Wm. ANDERSON, Mrs. CHISHOLM, Sallie
Mrs. E. CASH, Callie CASH, Annie PAYTON, Mary HOWARD, Emma KLECKLER,
B. WILLIAMS. By letter: Allice JACKSON, Mr. McSHANDS, Mrs. McSHANDS,
Sr., Bettie STARNES, Belle POPLAIN [sic], Mr. GASIWAY, (Gassoway),
J.W. BRICE, mod.
Minutes, January 12th, 1884
The Baptist church of Christ at Forney in conference assembled this the 12th day of
January A.D. 1884. Brother BRICE moderating.
Motion made by Bro. TURNER “That the act hereto-fore taken granting letters to
Bro. HUDSON & wife be rescinded, in order that investigation might be made –
motion carried.
The clerk was instructed to inform Bro. & Sister HUDSON to be and appear before
next regular conferrence at the ‘investigation of granting them letters.’
Charges were preferred against Bro. H.P. ERWIN for drunkenness & dancing. Also
against Bro. P.E. TURNER for drunkenness. Investigation of charges post-poned by
motion until the next conference with instructions to clerk to notify them of charges
Conference Adjourned.
Bro. J.W. BRICE, Moderator
L.R. STROUD, Ch. Cl’k Pro tem
Minutes of Feb. 1884
No conference perhaps (this apparently was added much later)
Minutes March 8th, ’84
Baptist Church at Forney in conference assembled March 8th, 1884. Bro J.W. BRICE
L.R. STROUD was elected church clerk.
Report of committee to see Bro. H.P. ERWIN and Bro. E.P. TURNER was called for
and the report made by Rev. E.W. TURNER.
Motion to withdraw fellowship from Bro. H.P. ERWIN. Carried.
Some collections were taken to defray building expenses, etc.
Motion carried to postpone action on the charges against Bro. E.P. TURNER until next
regular conference. Conference Adjourned.
J.W. BRICE, moderator
L.R. STROUD, Ch. Clk.
Minutes April 12th, 1884
Baptist church of Christ at Forney in regular conference assembled on Saturday before
the second Lord’s day in April.
Doors of church opened but no admissions into church.
Motion carried that the church house be used for religious worship and for nothing else.
The committee appointed at our previous meeting to wait on Bro. E.P. TURNER asked
for further time to report which was granted. There being no further business conference
J.W. BRICE, Moderatr.
H.H. SOWELL, Ch. Clk. Protem
(copied by L.R. STROUD, ch. Clerk)
Lost Minutes
August Term, 9th, 1884
The Baptist Church of Christ of Forney met in conference. The church was called to
order by Bro. E.W. TURNER. By motion the church declared the act of a call meeting
of the 5th Sunday in June last, illegal, in as much as the object of the meeting was not
specified when the meeting was called.
The moderator then called for a report of a committee appointed last conference to
ascertain whether or not Bro. DUNN would serve as Pastor for the ensuing year and
if so what remuneration he would require. Bro. R.R. RIDGELL, chairman of that
committee reported that Bro. DUNN would serve the church as pastor and would
expect us to pay him in proportion to our duty and ability, leaving the church to be the
judge by these things. Motion was made and unanimously carried that the church pay
Bro. W.H. DUNN the sum of $200.00 (two hundred dollars) and pay his traveling
expenses for his services as Pastor for the ensuing year.
No other business the church adjourned to meet again Saturday before Fourth Sunday
in Sept.
Ch clk L.R. STROUD
Mod Protem-E.W. TURNER
Sept. Term, Saturday before the fourth Sunday, Sept. 27th
The Baptist Church of Christ of Forney met in conference, preaching by her pastor.
Then proceeded to business.
1. Inviting visiting brethren to seats.
2. Extended the privilege of the Church. Sisters CHISHOLM & DAUGHERTY
called for letters, which was granted.
3. Called for reading of minutes of previous meeting. No minutes preasent [sic].
4. Called for unfinished buisnep [sic].
Adjourned to meet at night.
Night Session
After preaching by Bro. DUNN, the Church was again declared in conference to
transact any buisnep [sic] that might come before her. Then proceeded to buisnep [sic].
1. Inviting visiting brethren to seat.
2. Extended the privileges of the church.
3. Called for reading of minutes as above referd to. Minutes could not be found,
consequently the unfinished buisnep was deferred till next regular conference in
Nov. 1st 84. No other buisnep, the Church adjourned to meet at Records School
House on Sunday for the purpose of protracting meeting on Sunday met. Preaching
by her Pastor.
Sept. 1884
Sunday & Sunday night & continued at night only till Saturday during which time
received by experience and Baptism.
Bro. Jeff STARNS
_____ CRUMM
J.W. ASHLEY, Ch. Clk
W.H. DUNN, Mod.
Oct. Saturday & Sunday before the first Sunday
No Conferance [sic]
Nov. Term, Saturday before the first Sunday
The Baptist Church of Christ at Forney met in conference Preaching by her Pastor.
Then proceded to buisnep.
1. Invited visiting brethren to seats.
2. Extended the priviliges of the Church. Sister Laura BELLE(?) & Sister Annie
PAYTON called for letters of dismission which was granted.
3. Called for reading of minets of previous meeting, which was read and adopted.
Also reading of minutes of Aug. 9th which was adopted.
4. Unfinished buisnep, none.
5. New buisnep. Bro. E.W. TURNER was elected Sexton till some indefinite time.
6. Called for acknowlegements. None.
7. Called for charges. None.
8. Misellaneous. Appointed a special committee of 3 to investigate & examine the
Church Book to assertain whether or not the Church agreed to pay Bro. BRICE
any certain sallery. Brethern Jeff STARNS, Oscar WILEY, & J.W. ASHLEY was
8[sic]. A committee of 3 was appointed (Brethern Jeff STARNS, Ras WILLIAMS & Oscar WILEY to find out how much had been paid B. BRICE on last years sallery.
Sunday session after preaching by pastor Sister Calley WILEY was granted a letter
of dismipion. Adjourned at night to meet at Records Academy on Monday night.
Dec. Term, Saturday before the first Sunday
The Baptist Church of Christ at Forney met in conference. Preaching by her pastor,
then proceeded to buisnep.
1. Invited visiting Brethren to seats.
2. Extended the priviliges of the Church. Sisters M.L. PRUITT & Sallie & Bro.
Willie PRUITT was received by letters. Bros J.P. & H.C. TURNER, John
FRANKLIN, Sister Mattie MOORE was granted letters of dismipion.
3. Call for reading of minets of our last meeting, which was adopted.
4. Call for report of investigating committees which was read & adopted & committee
discharged. 2nd committee was extended further time, as all the committees was not
5. Call for acknowledgements Bro. E.W. TURNER stated that he had not lived as
near the crop (cross) of Christ as he desired to & asked an interest in the prayers of
6. Call for charges. None.
7. Call for report of Treasurer. Time extended till our next regular meeting.
Adjourned to meet at Records Academy at night.
J.W. Ashley, c.c.
Jan. Term, 1885, Saturday before the first Sunday
The Baptist Church of Christ met in conference after preaching by Bro. A.J. HOLT.
Then proceeded to buisnep.
1. Invited visiting Bro. to seats.
2. Extended the priviliges of Church.
3. Callf or report of committee on finance. Report was rec’d & discharged.
4. Call for new buisnep. Bro. Lewis CASH was elected sexton.
5. Adjourned to meet at Records Academy.
E.W. TURNER, Ch.Clk Protem
W.A. DUNN, Mod.
Feb. Term: Saturday before the first Sunday
The Baptist Church of Christ met in conference. Preaching by her Pastor then proceeded
to buisnep.
1. Invited visiting Brethren to seats.
2. Extended the priviliges of the Church. Brother Casper BREEDEN & Sister Nancy
BREEDEN was received by letters from Hopewell Church, Monroe Co., Tenn.
3. Call for reading of minets of previous meeting & also minets of Dec. Term. Which was
read & adopted.
4. Call for new buisnep. Brothren E.W. TURNER, Oscar WILEY & George WILLIAMS
was appointed on a committee on finance to confer with Bro. H.H. SOWEL to assertain the
amt. due on painting the church. Also raise what money they could to pay for same to R.H.
5. Adjourned to meet at night at Records Academy.
W.H. DUNN, Mod.
March Term: Saturday before the first Sunday.
The Baptist Church of Christ at Forney met in conference. Preaching by her pastor, then
proceeded to buisnep—
1. (no entry)
2. (no entry)
3. (no entry)
4. (no entry)
5. (no entry)
April Term
No Entry
May Term
No Entry
The last entry in the record book was the following Resolutions:
In as much as we were once one body and for causes not necessary to mension have
been torn asunder.
Be it resolved that we all meet at the Baptist Church house in the Town of Forney and
extend to each other the hand of recognition, burying all the past offences, whether personal
or general –
Be it further resolved that the two church Books in our possession become the property
of the Body, and be handed in by the present Clerk, and with them their resignation.
Be it further resolved that a new Book be purchased by the Body, and a clerk be elected,
and the present Clerk be authorized to enter upon its first pages, the constitution of the
church first. Then the articles of faith. Then the church covenant. Then the rools [sic] of
decorum. Then these resolutions. Then enroll the names of all the memers, which now
compose the two bands of worshipers.
Be it further resolved that we request the presant Pastors to resign and that we elect a
Pastor for the remaining part of this associational year.
Be it further resolved that the body from the date of the adoption of these resolutions be
known as the First Baptist Church of Christ at Forney.
W.H. DUNN, Mod.