Note: This information was transcribed exactly as it was in the records. It seems
to be in a somewhat random order, and some looks to have been para-phrased
from the original source or minutes.
The Presbytery that was called, was organized by choosing Brother J.R. Parker,
Mod. And Brother Samuel Croy to offer prayer. The Presbyter and Moderator
called on Bro. W.M. Lagow to act as clerk and Bro. Charley Harris assistant.
Thus being organized proceeded to examine letters of Brethren and Sisters.
Names of Members Presenting Letters
A.M. Hobson, from Louisiana
Charley Carter, Texas
Caroline Guynes, Texas
N.M. Guynes, Texas
Sister M.A. Lasater, Alabama
Bro. Azariah Lasater, Alabama
Sister K.J. Lasater, Alabama
Bro. Thomas Carter, Texas
After the brethren and sisters produced letters they were constituted, upon this,
which was satisfactory.
We whose names are hereto signed to covenant and agree to united in Christian
fellowship, by being constituted into a Gospel Church to watch over each other
in love, to reprove and rebuke and admonish each other as occasion may require,
endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace.
We further agree to hold stated meetings once in each month or as often as we
deem necessary.
Our regular conference will be on Saturday before the third Sunday in each month.
Saturday for holding conference, and Sunday for preaching. We further agree as
much as in us lies, to attend her solemn meetings and bear each others burdens,
and so fulfill the law of Christ.
We further agree that we will not receive into our fellowship anyone belonging to
any secret or other bound societies, unless he renounces it, whether it be religious
or political.
Art. 1 -
"We believe in the only true and living God, the Father, Word or Son and the
Holy Spirit, and these three are one.
Art. 2 -
"We believe in the Scriptures of the old and new Testament. That they are the
written word of God, and the only infallible rule of Faith and Practice. We prefer
the translation made during the reign of King James.
Art. 3 -
"We believe in the doctrine of election and that God chooses his people in Christ
before the foundation of the world, that they should be holy, and without blame
in love, and predestinate them to be conformed to the image of His Son.
Art. 4 -
"We believe in the original sin and the total depravity of our nature, and also
incapable to recover ourselves from the fallen state we are in by nature.
Art. 5 -
"We believe that sinners are justified only by the imputed righteousness of Christ.
Art. 6 -
"We believe the Elect, according to the foreknowledge of God, shall be called
regenerated and born again.
Art. 7 -
"We believe the Saints shall be preserved by Grace unto eternal Glory.
Art. 8 -
"We believe that baptism and the Lords Supper, are ordinances of Jesus Christ
to be continued through all time, and that believers only, are proper subjects of
Art. 9 -
"We believe the washing of the Saints feet to be a duty, and should be observed.
We agree to commune and wash feet twice a year, June and September.
Art. 10 -
"We believe in the resurrection of the dead, both just and unjust, the righteous
until life eternal, and the wicked unto shame and contempt.
Art. 11 -
"We believe that no minister has the right to administer the ordinances of the
Gospel but such as are called of God, and are regular baptized, and come under
the imposition of the hands of the Presbytery."
The names of the Presbytery: J.W. Humphrey, J.R. Parker, S. Croy, Wm. Lago,
and J.M. Balch.
James M. Humphreys, and W.H. Bennett
"We the brethren and sisters, agree that the name of our church shall be called "Antioch."
The church being organized went into conference. Brother Samuel Croy, Moderator.
Item 1. Gave an opportunity to any that wished to cast in their lot with us.
Item 2. Moved and received Brother A.M. Hobson to serve the church as clerk.
Item 3. The church chose Brother J.W. Humphrey as their pastor with Brother
Samuel Croy, assistant.
Item 4. The church chose Brother N.M. Guynes for their Deacon, and he was
ordained the next morning, the 29th day of August, 1881.
The rules of Decorum followed: (only partially given here)
The conference shall be opened and closed in prayer. Only one member shall speak
at one time, and shall arise to address the Moderator. The person speaking shall not
be interrupted, except by the moderator.
No one shall take the liberty of laughing or whispering in time of public speaking.
(No one was permitted to make any unkind or critical remarks -- a thing that might
be remembered in 1935 by many professed Christians.)
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ, worshiping at Antioch, Kaufman County,
Meeting of the church, January 14, 1882 - J.W. Humphries, Moderator and
A.M. Hobson, Church Clerk.
February 1, 1882 - S. Croy, Moderator, A.M. Hobson, Church Clerk.
March 18, 1882 - J.W. Humphries, Moderator, J.M. Humphries, Church Clerk
Members added April 1, 1882 - Caroline S. Chandler by letter from Willow Springs
A.M. Hobson preached for the Antioch church, 1882. Fannie Carter was received
by experience to be baptized on Saturday before the third Sunday in May, 1882.
A.M. Hobson preached at Antioch church, April 15, 1882 - S. Croy and J. Balch
opened the door of the church and Virginia Chandler was received by letter.
May 6, 1882; Georgiana Ranking was received by experience, baptized by Elder
J.W. Humphries on May 7, 1882.
Martha Jane Hermon, by experience, Francis River, by letter, S.C. Hobson by
relationship. N.M. Guynes was elected treasurer.
Samuel Croy, Moderator
A.M. Hobson, C.C.
May 20, 1882, preaching at Brother Guynes by Brother Balch and Samuel Croy,
the night of the 20th of May 1882. At this meeting Ora Mitchel came forward and
was received by experience. At nine o'clock, on Sunday 21, Ora Mitchel and Martha
Jane Hermon were baptized. At the preaching service, Lewis Croy was received by
experience and baptized at 5 o'clock the same day.
We the Arm of Antioch, met at Willow Springs, after preaching by Brother Lagow
and Bro. Charley Harris, the door of the church was opened and Elizabeth Dennis
came forward and was received by experience, was baptized Sunday June 4, 1882
in the next service, same day. John Gray was received by relationship June 3rd and
4th, 1882;
S. Croy, Moderator
A.M. Hobson, C.C.
June 17, 1882
We the Baptist Church of Christ at Antioch, met after preaching by Elder J. Balch
and Elder S. Croy...
S. Croy, Moderator
A.M. Hobson, C.C.
J.W. Humphries, by letter
M.F. Gribbe
Martha Carter
J.M. Humphries
Mrs. M.L. Sutton
Fannie Carter
Caroline S. Chandler
Elizabeth Dennis
John Gray, 1882
Elder Lagow
Felix W. Williams, member |
Virginia Chandler
Georgiana Ranking
Pierce Chandler, Minister
Martha Jane Hermon
Mrs. S.L. Hobson
Ora Mitchel
Lewis Crow
A.M. Hobson
Samuel Croy
J.W. Humphries, minister
Delegates to Association: called Messengers, Elder James Humphries, A.M. Hobson,
N.M. Guynes, C. Lasater were appointed. Additions in July and August 1882:
Ida L. Williams, by baptism; Mary Carter by baptism, by J.W. Humphries. Elder
J.W. Humphries was elected by ballot for pastor at this time. Sister Lasater also
joined and was baptized.
Communion and Feet washing at the Antioch Primitive Baptist Church of Christ,
May 20, 1883 - Ministers Lagow and Humphries, Mrs. Williams received into the church.
June 16, 1883 Malindy Humphrey was received by letter, also Francis King and
Jaime King by baptism.
November 17, 1883 - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carter, by letter. On December 15, 1883,
beloved brethren Smith and Frank A. Woods by letter. After preaching on Sunday,
the church met at the water, and our beloved brother Smith received by baptism by
Elder J.W. Humphries, on Sunday December 16, 1883.
Lone Elm, 1881-1921
Adams, Louisa H. (1897)
Adams, Mary A. (1892)
Adams, Mary Woods
Adams, John
Adams, Martha
Adams, Annie
Adams, Jesse A.
Adcock, Missouri P. (1886)
Alderman, W.D. (1897)
Alderman, Cornelia
Andleton, Viney
Axtell, C.C. (1892)
Baker, Ellen
Baker, W.T.
Baldwin, Lizzie
Bean, W.H.
Barnes, Clark
Barnes, Mrs. A.E.
Blake, G.B.
Blake, Susannah
Blake, Susie
Blake, Martha
Blake, Mary
Blake, S.B.
Burns, Jesse
Burns, Mrs. Jesse
Burns, Eliza J.
Bufkin, Cisero
Bufkin, Arrie Clark
Bufkin, B.I.
Bufkin, Mrs. M.C.
Bufkin, Isaac
Bufkin, Mrs. M.C. (sic)
Bufkin, M.M.
Bufkin, Pauline
Bymen, M.L. (1894)
Bymen, H.W.
Bymen, Ellen
Carter, T.C.
Carter, Charley (1881)
Carter, Martha
Carter, Mary
Casey, Elder B.F.
Cagle, I.N.
Cantrell, Lavina
Cleghorn, J.L.
Cleghorn, Callie
Cleghorn, I.S. (1884)
Cleghorn, Caroline
Clark, J.W.
Collins, Elder J.S. (1887)
Croy, Jasper (1884)
Croy, Samuel (1881)
Davis, D.S.
Davis, G.S. (1896)
Densmore, Mr. (1899)
Densmore, Mrs. (1899)
Dozier, James J. (1893)
Dozier, Margaret Claxton
Dozier, Sam A. (1897)
Dozier, Mary Etta Maupin
Ellington, William (1896)
Ellington, Mrs. N.J.
Ellington, Nancy
Guynes, Nob (1881)
Guynes, Caroline Yates
Guynes, John
Guynes, Catherine Lasater
Guynes, Babe
Guynes, Catie
Guynes, F.A.
Guynes, Ella
Guynes, Zack
Guynes, Johnnie
Guynes, N.M.
Guynes, S.C.
Guynes, Mrs. C.C.
Guynes, Mrs. S.L. (1894)
Guynes, J.F. (1896)
Guynes, J.Y. (1897)
Guynes, Tom (1892)
Gallant, Mariah
Gallant, Mary |
Gotcher, Elder J.H.
Gotcher, Vina
Green, Ora
Gresham, Elder L.J.
Harris, Charley (1881)
Harris, J.D.
Harris, Alice
Harris, S.
Harris, Eliza (1894)
Harris, Lessie
Hardy, Elder J.R. (1898)
Harrell, Elder W.H. (1892)
Hart, Mollie (1891)
Halford, Mattie
Herrod, Georgia
Hobson, Elder A.M. (1881)
Humphreys, Elder J.W. (1881)
Humphrey, Malinda
Humphrey, J.M.
Fields, Mary (1886)
Ivey, N.J. (1887)
Ivey, Josie
Johnson, A.P. (1887)
Johnson, Carrie
King, J.W.
Kirksey, G.B.
Lasater, Mrs. M.A. (1881)
Lasater, Mrs. K.J. (1881)
Lasater, Robert
Lang, Lou
Lawrence, Cassie
Lambert, W.C. (1885)
Lamber, Mrs. M.E. (1885)
Littlejohn, J.A.
Littlejohn, Mrs. C.J.
Littlejohn, Alice
Lasater, Frona
Lasater, Levi
Lasater, Polly
Martin, Anna
Malone, T.R.
Malone, Mrs. M.E.
Malone, Josie F.
Malone, R.L.
Mayfield, J.M.
McCalum, S.C.
McMillion, Mrs. D.D.
Mitchel, John
Milliner, M.
Moore, Will
Moore, William E.
Moore, Sara C.
Nochmichal, R.B.
Patterson, J.J. (1885)
Patterson, Mrs. F.C.T.
Potter, E.D. (1885)
Potter, Mrs. M.J.
Rivers, Francis
Polk, Elder K.F. (1891)
Roberts, E.W.
Roberts, Carrie
Reynolds, Mae
Reynolds, L.
Woods, Frank A.
Woods, Rebecca Wroten
Wood, Robert Jenkins
Wood, Susan Malinda Green
Woods, C.F.
Woods, Charley
Willis, Ola
Warden, George
Warden, G.W. (1884)
Warden, Nancy E.
Wright, J.P.
Wright, S.A.
Willington, _____
Weaver, Pennetta A.
Stewart, N.M.
Tinsley, W.T.
Tinsley, Ruth
Zuber, J.N.
Trippett, W.S.
Trippett, C.L. (1892) |
The last minutes found in the book of records (kept by Mr. John Guynes, near Forney, 1935)
were recorded in 1921:
The church met at Antioch the 3rd Sunday in August, 1921. Elder H.C. Morcum, moderator
and J.F. Harris, Church Clerk.
The Antioch Primitive Baptist Church met with the New Hope Association at the Antioch
Church in Kaufman County. They had 19 ordained ministers present (Book page 42) from
different parts of Kaufman County.
J.T. Cleghorn, C.C.
The Antioch P.B.C. met at the church October 17, 1885; during business session it was moved
and seconded that the church pay N.M. Guynes for the land that the Antioch Church was on.
Mr. Guynes having previously paid for this land for them.
J.W. Humphreys, Mod.
J.L. Cleghorn, Clerk
May 17, 1886
Communion and feet washing at the Antioch Church, three were added by letter. "After
Communion at the Lord's table, and washing of the Saints feet, we sang a hymn and went out."
June 21, 1885
Sunday morning at 9 o'clock the church members assembled at the water to baptize
W.C. Lamberth, Mrs. M.E. Lamberth, Mary A. Adams, F.C.T. Patterson, and Rebecca
Wroten Woods. Elder J.W. Humphreys baptized them.
William Lago
J.M. Humphreys
A.M. Hobson
K.F. Polk
W.H. Harrell
J.H. Gotcher
F.B. Casey
J.R. Hardy (who was ordained by the Antioch church and served as pastor for a time)
Charles Harris
J.H. Balch
W. Jones
M.M. Kemper
D.P. Nelson
J.N. Croy
Samuel Croy
Primitive Baptist churches were also at Willow Springs (1882), Mt. Gillead, Salem,
Pilgrim Rest and many other churches in the early eighties.
June 14, 1886
The Antioch Primitive Baptist Church met in conference with Elders J.H. Gotcher, Samuel
Croy, J.W. Humphrey, moderator and J.L. Cleghorn, C.C. Sunday morning they met for
church service.
July 18, 1886
The Antioch Sunday Service was held at the Lone Elm, Missionary Baptist house on
account of a funeral occasion at the Antioch church. In the afternoon of Sunday, the
membership met at Daugherty Lake where there was much water and W.M. Ellington
and Mrs. N.J. Ellington were baptized by Elder J.W. Humphreys.
June 18, 1886
The Antioch church chose Elder A.M. Hobson to visit the Shady Grove Church in her
union meeting the 4th Sunday in June.
The Antioch church met in her union meeting according to previous appointment, which
commenced on Friday August 18, 1887. The service was conducted by Elders J.S. Collins
and William Lagow. At this time Georgia Herrod came into the church by letter.
William Lago was elected as pastor of the Antioch Primitive Baptist Church by ballot
August 1887.
J.L. Cleghorn, C.C.
A.M. Hobson was pastor, 1889. He resigned the care of the church January 1890,
the call for Bro. J.S. Collins to serve was announced. J.S. Collins was moderator
July 1890.
Baptizing in the river near Crandall, Mrs. Hart and Ellen Baker were baptized by K.F.
Polk, 2nd Sunday in Sept. 1891.
Elder K.F. Polk was called to serve the Antioch church Sept. 1891.
June 1891
J.H. Gotcher was moderator and W.H. Bennet, clerk. Elder W.H. Harrell met with the
Antioch church in 1892. The Cotton Wood School House near Scurry was mentioned
as a meeting place of the Primitive Baptist Church in 1892.
W.S. Tippitt, Moderator
September 1892
The church made chose of Elder K.F. Polk as pastor. "On motion and extended and
arm from the Antioch Church to Cotton Wood School House, near Scurry. On motion
the church chose D.D. Wright to serve said arm."
The Antioch Church agreed to request a letter of dismissal from the New Hope
Association, for the purpose of organizing a new Association:
On the 2nd Sunday in July, 1893, the church appointed the following messengers to
attend the association: N.M. Guynes, N.J. Ivey, E.D. Potter, J.L. Cleghorn. The clerk
furnished them a letter to the Association asking for a dismissal from the New Hope
Association, Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in Aug. 1893.
The New Association was formed. "A committee was appointed to represent the
Antioch church in the Constitution of a New Association. They were: James J. Dozier,
N.M. Guynes, N.J. Ivey and J.L. Cleghorn. The clerk was appointed to write a letter
of love."
Minutes of Antioch Church, April 3, 1903
Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April, 1903, the Antioch Church met in conference,
after the preaching by the pastor the business meeting was held.
1. First we invited visiting brethren and sisters of our faith and order to seats with us.
2. Called for fellowship, the church in peace.
3. Gave invitation for members.
4. Called for reference - no reference
5. General business. Agreed to administration of baptism at 4 o'clock. Sisters Mary
and Martha Blake candidates. Baptizing was attended to at brother Guynes pool at
4 o'clock as arranged for in conference.
Conference closed in order --
J.H. Gotcher, Moderator
Frank A. Woods, C.C. Pro tem.
(We are indebted to Mr. John Guynes and Mrs. Joe Compton for the above dates of
the early Primitive Baptist Church.)
Marriages, Funerals & Baptisms Performed by Rev. L.B. Jenkins
The following was abstracted from the original records of Rev. L.B. Jenkins that he
kept while pastoring in the Forney, Texas Area.
Antioch Church
July 1910 --- Jno. Walker, Mrs. Jno. Walker, Mrs. Bob Lang, Will Norman, Mrs.
Maude Norman, Clifton Job, Bernice Williams, Flora Hitchcock, Bessie Grisham, Norman.