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FHS Newsletter
FHS Newspaper
January 1951


Editor in Chief ....................... Fern Hendley
Asst. Editor ...................... Billy Roy Kinard
Society Editor ......................... Nancy Riter
Art Editor .............................. Sam Tanner
Sports Editor ...................... Charles Osborne
Gossip Columnist .................... Bernice Brooks
Business Manager ...................... Sue Johnston
Senior Rep ............................ Frank Maykus
Junior Rep ......................... Edna Earl Smith
Sophomore Rep ......................... Bettye Allen
Freshmen Rep .......................... Myra Shipley
Secretary to Ed ................... Josephine Medina
Sponsor ............................... Miss Barkley



Jan. 25 -------------- B.J. Vineyard, Myra Shipley, Alvin Joe Wallace
Jan. 27 -------------- Mr. Brown



Here we are about to start a new semester. We hope that everyone made good grades on the Mid-Term tests. I know that the student body is very thankful for this wonderful teaching we have had so far. There aren't many schools that have the opportunities which our school affords. We have had complete cooperation between the student body and the teachers. We are very glad of this, but let's all hope for an even better semester this time.



Annual Staff News

The poor old Annual Staff has really been working its fingers to the bone this week. For weeks now we've been getting up at the crack of dawn for 7:30 a.m. meetings and we've had one night meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Now, we've met our dead line, (we hope) and our annual is in the making. We're going to try to give you a bigger and better annual this year. There is going to be a summer supplement, for the first time this year. It will be from eight to 10 pages in size, covering graduation, baseball, etc, and can be permanently attached in the back of the annual.

Of course, the supplement will not come with the annual. It will be mailed to you personally during the summer.


Band News

The Forney High School Band is increasing in size, in fact, the grade school members are increasing so rapidly that our band may soon be the Forney Grade School Band. There are 45 grade school members, and 15 from high school.

Since football season has closed, we've been doing more work on concert numbers and more complicated march music.

The band is improving steadily so why not make plans now to attend our winter concert.



With the Tournament coming up we should all begin to think about SPORTSMANSHIP - As we know there will be more Forney students than others we hope to show the best Sportsmanship.

The references for the Tournament have been carefully chosen from a number of different ones. They will be out there calling what they know to have hapened and doing their best at it. We know that two references cannot watch all twelve girls in a game at one time or even just ten boys.

We have been to schools for different sports that we really don't care about going back to again because of their sportsmanship. Let's not get a name like that. We want to follow the slogan on the opposite wall of our gym --
Sportsmanship -- All cheers, No jeers.

We are all shouting with joy that FINALS are over..................


F.F.A. News

Jan. 15, FFNS (Future Farmer News Service) -- The Forney F.F.A. Chapter attended the district banquet at Harris's(?) restaurant in Garland, Texas, Jan. 15, Thursday night. Those present from Forney included Thomas Tanner, Charles Henry Humphries, B.J. Vineyard, and Fritzie Vaughn. Special guests were: Mr. & Mrs. L.H. Stollenwerk, Mr. & Mrs. G.P. Brown, Mr. J.L. Helm and son Gerald, Mr. Jack Venner, and the chapter sweetheart, Miss Jo Ann Marshburn. Mr. Tracy Spears, candidate for Area election....

Sumpin' new has just been added to the Forney Chapter. A new, blue '53 Chevrolet Pickup from Mr. Buddy Allen at Terrell.

By: Fritzie Vaughn


F.H.A. News

Jan. 15, FHNS (Future Homemakers News Service) -- The Future Homemakers of America met Wednesday to elect their Hero for '52-'53. We had a great many nominations from the floor and after all votes were counted David Yandell was elected F.H.A. Hero...... After the election was held we had a short discussion about holding a social next week..... We decided we would have a skating party Monday night, Jan. 26. After skating for a while, we will come to school for refreshments.

We want to welcome Mrs. Rorie back after her siege of flue. We missed her....



Sue Johnston looked cute in her green suite she was sporting Thursday.

Say didn't Miss Barkley look cute in her black sweater and skirt.

Did anyone see that blue tie walking down the hall Thursday. I bet you did too. It was around Bettye Allen's neck. (The Paper Staff contributed this one.)

Jackie Pippins had on a classy looking belt the other day.... Was it for ornamental purposes or to hold up that pretty skirt? We wonder......

Was that a shirt Mr. Pinson had on Thursday or an optical illusion?

Mildred Thomas has more clothes than Carter has little liver pills. She sure had on a cute white crested sweater.

There have been an awful lot of pretty handkerchiefs flashing around. Was it because of the flu or did the girls drop them to let the boys pick them up?????

Helen Clark had on a pretty necklace and earrings to match Thursday.....

Has anyone seen the sailor shirt Nancy Riter had on in P.E. Did Walter get it for her or some other admirer????

Boy did you see that dress Mary Carey had on yesterday. The dress was white with gold threads. It's a shame Sam Pat was not there to see her. And by the way she sure has a lot of pretty earrings. She wears a different pair every day.

Marilyn Moore looked like a sweater girl in the pink sweater... It sure goes good with her pink checked accordion pleated skirt.

Around School
by: The Roving Reporter

Freshmen girls working on football programs....... Nancy Riter worrying about the annual.... Rumors flying....... Bernice Brooks writing note to Cullom Tillery in Typing II......... Miss Davenport reading letter from Gus........ Bettye Allen writing to Dr. Lovelorn.......... David Yandell speeding twoard Tripp........ Carmeleotia Blalock telling Mary Lou Bailey that C's brother is coming home..... Fern Hendley making numerous trips to the P.O......... Football boys asking for dates to the banquet..... Mr. Sonntag begging, borrowing, or stealing chickens for the banquet......... Barbara Dickey getting panicky when her name was erroneously omitted from the exemption list in Com. Arith....... Kids running wild over short holiday..... Dorothy Sudych coming home after shopping in Dallas.... Billy Roy Kinard loafing.... Brooksy Roland worrying about the football jackets.... Chas. Osborne slipping out of class...... Shirley Akin studying..... Lee Roy Mitchell, Wayne Tanner, Clarence (Sonntag) and two other little colored boysgoing for a ride......... Paper staff getting back into the swing of things after a two-week vacation.... Mr. Donahue giving hard tests..... Frank Maykus' girl friend Jo Ann of Irving, getting F.F.A. Sweetheart there..... Sue Johnston teaching Typing I while Miss Barkley worked on programs...... Carmeleotia Blaylock telling fortunes..... Mr. Pinson promising Nancy R. & Jo Ann A. a malt for making his ballot box....... Mrs. Rorie coming back to school after a siege of flue..... Red Wallace playing against Frank Maykus, Jimmy Adams, & B.J. Vineyard in basketball..... Sarah Pinson driving to school in the Plymouth..... Mrs. Stolly trying to make ladies and gentlemen out of the Seniors..... Nancy Riter practicing her dramatics during finals...... Sue Johnston keeping everyone informed on what is going on in the outside world........ Everyone watching (using the word loosely) the inauguration.




How are Lillian Hutto and Billy Pike getting along? We haven't heard a report on them in some time..........

Who was that in a Forney sweater and green cowboy hat, with Mary Bett Good in Crandall after the ballgame the other night??????????? It could have been Everett Ray Aslin, in fact it was..........

Betty Patterson seems to think that Tommy Stovall is just it. She was overheard saying, "I think that Tommy Stovall is just tops."

Who was Mary Lou Bailey writing a letter to in study hall????? Jackie who?????? Tell us more Mary Lou......

Bettye Allen, prepare to defend yourself, Gloria Fowler is sharpening her axe..... Wonder how Dempsey Langston feels! Kind of in the middle of things, isn't he????????????

The mail man's going to have to get a larger box for Mary Carey if she keeps getting so many letters from San Antonio. Sam Colquitt's the source of all the mail........

Evelyn Feagin sure gets lots of mail...... Don't hold out on us Evelyn. What's his name?


Gems of Wisdom from the Mouth of Sonntag

The basketball tournament will begin promptly at 2:00 o'clock Thursay in the Forney High School gym. The students may buy tournament tickets. For 75¢ you may see all the games. The admission price is 20¢ & 35¢, but the finals on Saturday night will be 25¢ & 50¢ so take this opportunity to save.

When the referee calls a foul on a player, don't BOO and JEER him. Be a good sport.

Tickets on sale in the office for the football banquet. All football players will be admitted free. Matty Bell, athletic director and former coach at SMU, will be the guest speaker. A good program is planned so that you may have an enjoyable evening of entertainment. The banquet will be held in the basement of the First Methodist Church.

To the girl's and boy's basketball teams-- Why don't you make up your mind to take first place in the tournaments????????????????????????????

During the tournament the athletic department will sponsor a concession stand selling cold drinks, coffee, pie, sandwiches, and candy.


A second note to the girl's and boy's basketball teams -- Why don't you make up your minds to win first place in the tournament???????????????????????

Some students have failed to pass required work during the past 18 weeks. 50% of the school time is gone. So why don't you get busy the last 18 weeks and study?? Anyone can wait outside of school when the bell rings at 3:50 each day and never seem some students taking books home to study. Few students use the Study Hall for studying.

You can't pass Biology, General Science, Algebra, Plane Geometry, Chemistry and English unless you burn the midnight oil. The standards of our living demand that you have an education. Your Mother and Father pay taxes, feed and clothe you, and give you money for fun. Why don't you Study??



Pippins Grocery & Market

"For the best buys in Food"



Name ---- Shirley Akin
Born ---- Van Zandt County
Color of eyes ---- Brown
Color of hair ---- Brown
Height ---- 5' 5"
Favorite Color ---- Navy Blue
Favorite Song ----
Favorite Food ---- Fried Chicken
Favorite Sport ---- Basketball
What you like most about F.H.S. ---- Friendly People.
Pet peeve ---- None.

Name ---- Leon Feagin
Born ---- Forney
When ---- July 20, 1937
Color of eyes ---- Blue
Color of hair ---- Blond
Height ---- 5' 3"
Favorite Color ---- Red
Favorite Song ---- "Settin Woods on Fire"
Favorite Food ---- Banana Nut Ice Cream
Favorite Sport ---- Football
What you like most about F.H.S. ---- Girls
Pet Peeve ---- School



We hear by the grapevine that Catherine Kasper is going steady. Come on Catherine, bring him by so we can see him....................

Sam Tanner and Dorothy Sudyeh certainly are chummy in study hall...... Hmm..... We wonder...... Hmmmmmmmm................

I can't pick a thing out of Sue Johnston, but I'm sure she has a secret love..............................

Miss Barley and Mr. Sonntag really must have liked "What Price Glory." They only saw it three times.

Jackie Pippins and Doyle George certainly had a good time sleigh-riding (?) during all that ice & snow...........

We wonder if that torch Carolyn Stroud was carrying for Skip Humphries is still burning???????? (Water Can't Quench the Fire of Love)

It seem Marilyn Moore has been going with Buch Duckworth..... What happened to David Lee Davis???????????

Couples in the mid-night show Saturday night.................. Robert Griffen and Barbara Ashabranner, Jack Bannister and Betty Patterson, Brooksy Roland and Betty Nichols, Sonny Miller and Sammy Pike, J.C. Michell and Bettye Taylor, Charles Osborne and Bernice Brooks, Donaly Honneycutt and Helen Clark......

Who did Thurman Carter come to see Saturday?????????? Yep! It was Bernice.......... Who did Bettye Allen get a letter from Friday????? Yep! It was Thurman Carter................

What did Bernice Brooks do in the third grade room at Quinland Monday night??????????????????????????

Mildred Thomas and Don Garner are a steady couple, this must be love........

Billy Roy Kinard and Edna Earl Smith certainly have been seeing a lot of each other..............

Who was the letter from that ----- --- -------- received Friday?

B.J. and Drusilla certainly do make a cute couple don't they? Keep it up kids...........................

Why was Mr. Donahue peeved at Edna Earl and Peggy M. for going home with Billy Roy and Pat after basketball practice Thursday? Was it because he didn't get to take them home???????

Who is the lucky boy who has Joyce Singleton's heart? Let us in on it Joyce........................

We hear that Marilyn Moore is "going steady." We wonder how long it will last........

Who was Mr. Donahue escorting around in his convertible Thursday? Could it have been Carmeliotia Blaylock??????????

Our F.F.A. sweetheart, Jo Anne Marshburn, went to Garland for the district sweetheart contest last Thursday. We understand she made a good showing but lost to a girl well known to Forney High and its students, Miss Tommie Sue Hall of Rockwall..............

Jan Edmonson sat by Lee Roy during the Inauguration --- well, well, new affair???????

What Sophomore boy wants Sarah Pinson to go with him to the Football Banquet???????????

Why is Marilyn Moore always talking about Mr. Sonntag during Home Ec III???????? A crush, Marilyn???????????

Seems Jo Ann Brisco really gets around these days. What about this ---, Ollie Ray, and Skip?????????

What is this we hear about Dolores Shipley???? She's go her eye on somebody. Let us in on the secret Dolores................?

What If???????

Robin Seyforth had a brain??
Mrs. Stolly stayed on a diet for a whole week??
Mr. Stollenwerck won an argument with Mrs. S.??
Mr. Sonntag smiled twice in the same day??
Forney didn't have a Pink Elephant??
Marilyn Moore was a man hater???
Mrs. Rorie gained 50 pounds??
Sarah Pinson dyed her hair black and got a duck tail haircut??


---------------Come to the tournament----------------





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