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First Baptist Church of Forney
1917-1918 Minutes

Minutes of the Forney First Baptist Church, beginning on Jan. 13, 1917.

Sat. Jan. 13, 1917
After preaching by pastor, church met in conference. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Letter of dismission were granted Sister Laura PINSON CRAINE.

Motion made that the church have a standing com. for the contribution for the Orphans Home. Bro. HARVEY and DARDEN were appointed collectors for
the Orphans Home. Motion made that we adjourn.


Sat. Feb. 10, 1917
After preaching by pastor, church met in conference. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. It was moved and second that the pastor appoint 2 or more Ladies to assist in the collection of the Orphans Home. On motion the lumber that was used on the back steps of the pastors were ordered paid. Moved and second that we hold our protracted meeting the second week in July, and that we secure some help for the pastor also a leader for the singing. Bros. CRITTENDEN and PINSON will act as a committee with the pastor to secure help for the meeting. There being no further business, conference adjourned.


Sat. March 9, 1917
After preaching by pastor, church met in conference. Bro. L.B. JENKINS, Mod.
The com. reported they had secured teh help of Bro. BUSSELL for our meeting, which begins the 2nd Sun. in July. The church voted to rescend the action of granting Bro. Josiah PINSON and that we withdraw fellowship from him, the cause (heresy).

It was voted to repaper the church. Bro. DOZIER, HALEY and Sister JENKINS
were appointed to look after it. There being no further business, conference


April 14, 1917
After preaching by pastor, church met in conference. Minutse of last meeting read and approved. Motion made to grant Sister Effie RUSSELL COX and Bro. and Sister Arthur FITZGERALD letter of dismission. There being no further business, conference adjourned.


May 12, 1917
After preaching by pastor, church met in conference. Bro. CLERK being absent pastor appointed J.C. GARNER to act as clerk. Committee on improvement of house made, no report. But one being present. Letters of dismission granted Bro. and Sister Henry TOWNSEND. Sisters Lelia ROYAL and Lucy PINSON was elected Presidents of the Junior B.Y.P.U. order. Bro. L.B. JENKINS was appointed a committee of one to have the old Bois d'Arc treen in front of church removed. After which Conference adjourned.


June 23, 1917
Forney Baptist Church June 23rd. After preaching by pastor church met in
conference. Bro. CLERK being absent, the April minutes were not read. Bro.
J.C. GARNER was appointed to act as clerk. Bro. JENKINS reported work on
Bois d'Arc tree unfinished. It was moved and sec. that pastor appoint a committee of three to arrange for convenience of meeting Bro. E.M. DOZIER, N.C. WHITTEMORE, and W.R CRITTENDEN were the committee appointed. The church met in conference June 24 and granted Sister Ella Cavis DARBY a letter of dismission. There being no further business conference adjourned.

J.C. GARNER, C.C. protem

July 7, 1917, Saturday
After preaching by pastor church met in conference. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Moved and second that committee on arrangement for meeting be discharged after lights have been erected. Conference adjourned. From service to service through meeting the pastor was assisted in the meeting by Bro. S.S. BUSSELL. There were 9 additions to the church, 2 by letter, 1 by statement and 6 by baptism.

R.L. ANTHONY, Clerk protem

July 11, 1917 - Saturday
Forney Baptist Church - After preaching by pastor church met in conference.
Messengers nominated to the association were Bro's. JENKINS, E.M. DOZIER, and ANTHONY. Alternates: Bro's HALEY, SPELLMAN and H. CRITTENDEN, Sister Myrtle YATES. Motion made to appoint a committee to see Bro. R. BALL in regard to joining Christian Church. Bro's ANTHONY and GARNER were appointed. There being no further business conference adjourned.


Forney Baptist Church, Sept. 9, 1917
After preaching by pastor church met in conference. Clerk being absent pastor appointed J.C. GARNER to act in his stead.

1. Call for unfinished business, report of committeemen R.L. ANTHONY and J.C. GARNER saw Bro. Rhandolph BALL who stated that he had united with the Christian Church, did not express a desire to return to the church. A charge of heresy was prefered against Bro. BALL, upon which the church withdrew fellowship.

2. Letters of dismission were granted the following brethren and sisters: Sister W.Z. McFADDEN 1707 Jones St. Greenville, Tx. and Sister LANE and daughter, Conroe, Texas.

3. Motion and second to call in our Sunday nights service, in favor of the Christian Rally in be-half of our Public School, motion lost by the vote of five to two. After which conference adjourned.

J.C. GARNER, Church protem

Forney Baptist Church, Oct. 13, 1917
After preaching by pastor church met in conference. New business. Moved and second to elect messengers to an association. Bro. JENKINS and HALEY nominated and elected. Alternates were Bro. DARDEN. Motion made that Bro. WHITTEMORE, Grove HUGHES be appointed to look after the repair of the parsonage. Motion made Bro. JENKINS look after the floor sweeping for our janitor. Motion made that pastor appoint a committee to put up the stove, Bro. DARDEN, Kip CRITTENDEN, and HALEY were appointed. Moved and second that we grant the ladies permission to buy a piano and put the organ in on it. Motion made to adjourn.


Forney Texas, Jan. 12, 1918
After divine service by pastor the church was called in conference. Bro. CLERK being absent, records of last conference were not approved. Mod. called on J.C. GARNER to record the actions of the meeting.

1. Call for report of committee Bro. A.A. DARDEN made a partial report after some deliberating. Pastor JENKINS volunteered to act with this committee to secure a more complete report in these matters, also to investigate some other rumors of inconsistency by some members of our body, motion and second to adjourn.

J.C. GARNER, Church protem

On Sunday, Jan. 13, 1918
Sister WHITE was received into our fellowship by letter of recommendation.

Feb. Meeting of Forney Baptist Church
Met in conference, after divine services by pastor JENKINS. Bro. CLERK being
absent, Mo. asked J.C. GARNER to make a note of the proceedings. A charge of heresy was preferred against Sister F.B. RHEA and church withdrew fellowship.

2. Letter of dismission granted Mrs. Lucy HAMILTON. The charges against Bro. WHILHOIT and TAYLOR was deferred until Sunday night 10th. inst. the committee in these inst. was requested to see Bro. Claude DOUGLASS and report the conversation with him to the church asking him to appear at the next meeting.

Conference adjourned until Sunday Feb. 10. Church called in conference. Bro. TAYLOR being present made a talk and asked for forgiveness, Motion carried that we as a church forgive Bro. TAYLOR and we extend to him a helping hand. Moved and second that the church withdraw fellowship from Bro. WHILHOIT. Motion made to adjourn.

J.C. GARNER, Church protem

Sat. March 9, 1918
After preaching by pastor, church met in conference.

1. Unfinished business; report from Bro. DOUGLASS. Moved and second that the church withdraw fellowship from Bro. DOUGLASS. The charge being unchristian conduct. Motion carried.

New business:
Motion made and carried that the church elect Bro. DOZIER as Treas. Bro.
WHITTEMORE, J.C. GARNER, John BOLES was nominated and elected to look
after and collect the pastors salary. Bro DARDEN and CRITTENDEN was
nominated and elected to collect incidentals for the church. Motion and carried that we bgin our protracted meeting the second Sunday in July. Moved and secon that the pastor appoint a committee to secure a helper in the singing. Bro. E.M. DOZIER, N.C. WHITTEMORE and W.E. HALEY were appointed on the committee. Being no other business, conference adjourned.


(Note: Sometime during this month, the church was hit by lightning and burned to the ground.)

Sunday, April 6, 1918
Sunday school called conference. Bro. DOZIER elected mod. Bro. D. KEMP and Harvey CRITTENDEN were appointed to clear off the church debris. Conference adjourned.


Wednesday, April 17, 1918
After prayer meeting conference reopened. L.B. JENKINS appointed as mod.

1. Report of committe they recommend that we buy the REAGIN lot. Motion made and carried that we receive the report and release the committee. Moved and second that the motion be amended and add the Harry DAVIS Lot for consideration. 7 votes for the different lots are as follows: REAGIN Lot - 37, DAVIS Lot - 12. Motion made and carried to make the vote unanimous.

Motion made that appoint seven men as building committee and 4 will be considered a quorum. The committee are as follows: R.P. PINSON, N.C. WHITTEMORE, E.J. DOZIER, T.J. SHEPPARD, Jason SOWELL, C.W. BOONE, Tom SPILLMAN, Motion made and second that the moderator appoint 8 or 10 to go along with the committee to look at plans of different churches. The committee appointed are as follows: W.E. HALEY, DARDEN, J.C. GARNER, Sister Will YATES, HALEY, PINSON, DOZIER, REAGIN, Sis. Tom PINSON, HUDGINS. Motion made to adjourn.


First Baptist Church, April 1918
In conference Saturday before the second Sabbath in April 1918. Bro. Clerk being absent Pastor appointed J.C. GARNER to record teh actions of the church. There being no unfinished business we passed to the discussion of a location for a church building. By motion, and second mod. appointed a committee to further investigate all available lots of ground and ascertain prices for same and report to church tomorrow. Committee as follows: Jason SOWELL, N.C. WHITTEMORE, Tom SPILLMAN, R.L. ANTHONY and J.P. KEMP. Motion and second to adjourne.

J.C. GARNER, C. protem

No Business Transacted in May

First Business Church in Conference Saturday Before the 2nd Sunday in June
Bro. Clerk being absent. Pastor appointed J.C. GARNER to record the actions.

1. There being no unfinished business, Bro. G.B. WESLEY and daughter Mary Lee were granted letters of dismission.

2. By motion and second the church adopted the members traveling letter system to our members who are in Army service.

3. Motion and second in favor of paying claim of $6.00 (six dollars) by Texas Light and Power Co. for street lights for 1918.

There being no further business, conference adjourned.

J.C. GARNER, Clerk protem

1st Baptist Church in Conference Sat. Before the Second Lord's Day in Sept.
There being no unfinished business the conference passed to new business.

1. Motion and second that church sell the lumber in shed on church ground and that pastor appoint a committee to dispose of it as they think best, carried. Bro. moderator appointed the deacons of the church. There being no other business, conference adjourned.

J.C. GARNER, C.C. protem

First Baptist Church of Forney in Conference Saturday Before the Second Lord's Day in Nov. 1918
1. Reading and adoption of Sept. minutes.

2. Motion made and carried to dismiss committee on selling shed lumber.

3. Church by motion and sec. elected two messengers to represent her the meeting of Baptist Missionary Association in the person of L.B. JENKINS and E.M. DOZIER and should either of the Brethren fail to attend then any other Bro. who could shall have the privilege to go.

4. Report of the Ladies work for the past year submitted as follows total cash paid to the work $174.05.

5. By motion and sec. the election of officers and teachers for Sunday School be postponed for two weeks. Conference remained open for Sunday.

2nd Sunday, 1918

Action first that church go into the call of pastor for the ensuing year. Motion made to suspend the motion and elect by ballott. Bro. L.B. JENKINS was nominated and unanimously elected. Motion carried to have two Sundays each month, 2nd and 4th Sundays or our preaching days.

Bro. W.E. HALEY was re-elected church clerk. Bro. E.M. DOZIER, treasurer,
Bro. WHITTEMORE was elected to collect pastor salary. The following officers
and teachers was elected: Bro. E.M. DOZIER, Supt.; Assistant T.J. SHEPHERD, Miss Nell KINCAID as secretary. TEACHERS: R.J. SHEPHERD, Mrs. SHEPHERD, Mrs. COLE, Mrs. Sam PINSON, Miss Mamie DOZIER, Miss Lelia ROYAL, Mrs. Myrtle YATES, Mrs. JENKINS, R.L. ANTHONY.

The amount for pastors salary being seven hundred dollars.

The following letters were asked for and granted: Mamie WILLIAMS, Robbie and Oscar HEAD.

Bro. WHITTEMORE and DOZIER were appointed to instruct the pastor of what action to the church had taken. There being no other business, conference adjourned.


First Baptist Church of Forney in Conference on Sat. Before the 2nd Sunday in Dec.
Bro. clerk being absent, Bro. J.C. GARNER was appointed clerk. Mrs. FITZHUGH asked for letter and was granted. Motion to adjourn.

J.C. GARNER, C.C. protem

Saturday Before the Second Sunday in Jan. 1919
After preaching by pastor church met in conference. There being no unfinished business, we passed to new business. Bro. and Sister J.C. GARNER as for letters and were granted. It was moved and second that Bro. Harvey CRITTENDEN be appointed to help Bro. WHITTEMORE collect the pastors salary. Conference remained open until Sunday.



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